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It's getting late. Sollux and I are still walking around, when Sollux pulls out his phone, which is buzzing.

"Oh, Karkat is calling."
He answers, then sits down and starts talking.

"Dude, what happened?"

"You got bored, and you want me to go home because you're bored?"


I sit there awkwardly, trying not to blush at his talking about whether or not I'm his girlfriend.
Sollux fights with Karkat some more, when eventually he gives up.

"Fine. Whatever. I'll go back home, just so you're not bored."

"I have to go, because for whatever reason, Karkat doesn't want to be home by himself."

"Okay, bye!" I wave at him.

Right before he leaves, I think of something.

"Oh, Sollux, wait!" I run towards him.

"Yeah? What do you need?" He turns around, looking almost happy that I stopped him.

Without saying anything, I hug him. For a second, he looks a little bit startled, but then he hugs me back. He smells like honey.

"Okay, now I have to go before Karkat destroys the world." He says, letting go of me.

I watch happily as he walks away, trying not to start being a fangirl.
I think I might have a crush on the bee boy. Maybe.

             ~Two days later~

"Okay. So you're telling me, that after only knowing this guy for TWO DAYS, you decided to hug him? That's so adorable."
Nepeta was drawing a picture of something while she talked to me. She said I wasn't allowed to look at it unless Sollux was here, which made me suspicious.

"So, how are Fluffy and Puff?" You ask.

"Oh yeah! They're okay. They almost never stop eating, but that's fine, since they both look like they haven't eaten in a while."
She looks happy to be talking about the cats, which doesn't surprise me at all.

"I even drew a picture of Fluffy while she was sleeping!" She pulls out a price of paper, and hands it to me. She had drawn the small cat sleeping in a chair. It was a really good drawing!

"Wow, you're good at this!" I compliment her, still admiring the drawing.

"Thanks, but I'm really not." She never takes compliments, even if she deserves them.

We continue talking about her cats, when when I get a notification from my phone. I pick it up, and see that Sollux is calling. I haven't talked to him in a few days.
Telling Nepeta to be quiet long enough for me to talk to him, I answer the call.

"(Y/N), please tell me you're not busy."

"Uh, no, why?"

"Because I was wondering if I could come over for a while." He sounds upset.

"It depends. Why do you sound so upset?"

"Karkat punched my computer screen, and it broke. Now, I'm trying not to kill him."

"Uh, sure, you can come over. But only for a little while, okay?"

"Sure, I just need to get away from him for a while. I'm not really good at controlling my anger, sometimes. I'll be there soon."

He hangs up before you can say bye, and you see Nepeta practically glowing with excitement.

"Is Sollux coming over?" She squeaks.

"Yes, he is. And you are not allowed to mention your relationship boats."


"Whatever, you weirdo. Now I have to get ready, you make sure he doesnt come while I'm still in my room."
I walk upstairs, and start changing out of my pajamas. I never changed unless I was going somewhere, usually. Nepeta almost never sees me inside of my house not wearing pajamas. But, I don't feel comfortable if Sollux is there. Not yet.

"(Y/N)! YOUR BOYFRIEND IS HERE!" I hear her shout from downstairs.

"SHUT UP OR I'M GOING TO PUNCH YOU!" I shout back. Trying to finish getting my clothes on, and falling in the process, I make sure I look okay.

"Wow, I look fabulous!" I say, looking in the mirror.
Remembering that Sollux and Nepeta are here, I quickly jump down the stairs.
I usually fall down when I do that, but it's faster, so who cares?

Sollux is sitting on the sofa, awkwardly trying to push Nepeta away. She keeps trying to show her pictures of various things.

"(Y/N), finally, you're here." Sollux says, trying to get me to save him.
I pull Nepeta off of him, and sit down.

"So, Karkat broke your computer?" I ask, hoping he isn't too mad.

"Not really. He screwed it up, but I can easily fix it. I kind of overreacted." He looks a little bit embarrassed, and he looks really cute. Nepeta is drawing something. Probably us.

"Hey Nepeta, didn't you say you had a drawing that you were going to show me when Sollux was with us?" I ask her.

"Yes! Thanks for reminding me. Here." She hands me a drawing. It's cute, but a little bit embarrassing. It's a picture of when I hugged him. It's definitely not what we actually looked like, because she made me look like some kind of goddess meant to seduce guys, but I still liked it.
Next, she shows it to Sollux. He starts blushing, but he's definitely smiling.

"Wow, you're good at drawing. I like it!" He says, handing her the picture again.

She smiles happily, obviously enjoying the compliments.
We spend a while talking. Actually, much longer than we thought. It's starting to get dark when he leaves. He said he's going to apologize to Karkat, and I hope he does.

The Bee Boy (Sollux x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now