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I shoot straight up out of my bed, startled by the loud noise.

What time is it?

I turn on my phone, which was a mistake. The blinding light coming from the screen hurts my eyes, and I can barely tell what it says.

1:28 AM

Why would somebody be here at one in the morning?

I roll out of bed, and quickly put on some clothes. The knocking continues, and it seems like it will never stop.

I rush downstairs, and slide across the hard, wooden floor, my fuzzy socks making it easy to go quickly.

I run into the door, then open it, ignoring the pain in my nose.

"Nepeta, really!?" I groan.

"(Y/N) GUESS WHAT!?" Nepeta shoves past me, inviting herself inside.

"Well I suppose you can come inside" I mutter.

"What? Did you kill somebody? You're hiding the body this time, I don't feel like doing that right now."

"NOW IT NOT THE TIME FOR JOKES THIS IS SERIOUS!" She sounds annoyed. But I wouldn't be surprised if she actually did kill somebody.

"Well then spill it! What happened?"

"Okay. So Fluffy is gonna have kittens!" She does a happy dance, which gives me a headache. I'm too tired right now and she's too full of energy.

"Okay. And you needed to almost scare me to death at one in the morning so I could know this?" I struggle to keep my eyes open, and force myself to get off the soft, gray couch that I want to sink into.

"WELL OBVIOUSLY! Kittens are more important than sleep!" She screeches. She's really being annoying right now.

"Okay, yeah, I'm super happy. Now I'm going to go to bed, and you stop being so excited, okay? Great!" I shove her back out the door, shutting and locking it afterwards. Nepeta is great, unless animals or boats are involved.

I'm going to take a nap now, and this time hyper cat girls won't interrupt my sleep.

            ~Three days later~

"Poke. Poke. Poke. Poke." I poke Nepeta on the arm, just to annoy her. This is her punishment for what she's done since I met Sollux.

"(Y/N) I WILL STAB YOU IF YOU POKE ME AGAIN!" She hisses, glaring at me.

The cats, startled by her sudden loud speaking, both hide behind me.
"Okay, good to know. By the way, where's Sollux? I haven't seen him lately."

Nepetas face turns a light pink, and she does a nervous giggle.

"Oh! Yeah, Sollux. He's, um, he's... Buying... Doors! Yes, he's buying doors. Because he's going to make a... Chair. With. The. Doors?"

Okay so I was right, they're planning something.

"How do you make chairs out of doors?" I raise an eyebrow at her, and her eyes get wide.

"I don't know! So you'll have to ask Sollux in four hours." She smiles awkwardly, trying her hardest to make the lie believable, but it's not working.

Unable to stop myself, I laugh at her, making her even more nervous.

"Okay, sure. Whatever you're planning, I won't question it. And tell Sollux he owes me one of his door chairs." Nepeta closes her eyes, slowly letting out a breath of air.

Her phone starts buzzing, and she jumps up.

"I have to answer this! You wait here... Okay?" She runs to her room, and as soon as she closes the door I go to listen. I know I shouldn't, but I'm curious!

"Sollux! Okay, a few things. (Y/N) doesn't suspect anything, I kept the secret really well. But you might have to build her a chair out of doors later."

"What? Oh, that's a long story. I'll explain later. Oh, what's her favorite color? I think it's (F/C)."

She's quiet for a minute.

"Okay, yeah sure. Okay, bye!"

Hearing her hang up, I use my sudden burst of superhuman speed to run to the house, and act like I was sitting here the whole time.

"Okay, sorry. Somebody important called, and I couldnt ignore it." She let's out a slightly nervous breath.

"Yeah, I understand. But I think I'm going to go home now, I don't want Emily to come here looking for me." I sigh, remembering what I did yesterday. As much as she deserved it, it wasn't worth the lecture I'm going to get when my parents find a way to contact me.

"Yeah, I don't trust myself to be near her, she would probably end up going to the hospital. I think it's best if I stay away from her." She laughs nervously, but she's right. Nepeta isn't the best at controlling herself when she's around someone she hates.

(I know nothing happened but I just had to write something down quickly so I could post this because I actually forgot about this story. So, yeah. I promise I'll try to post more!! :3 )

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