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             ~Two days later~

Sollux had been staying at my house, in case something happens. It's been mostly quiet, I hated moving around because it hurt.

"Sollux! Hey, can we get some food?" I shout from my room. I'm annoyed because he won't come up here. He says he's doing something important.

"Uh, in a few minutes!" He shouts back.

Oh, whatever.

"He's probably gonna do something awesome." I tell myself, trying to trick myself into not being bored or hungry.

I decide to pull out my phone and talk to Nepeta.

"Nepeta, I'm hungry."

"Why am I not surprised?"

"No but Sollux says I can't come downstairs, he wants to surprise me, I think."

"Well why do you need food then? Just look at cat pictures until he's ready, you won't feel hungry."

"YOU'RE SO USELESS SOMETIMES!" I shout into the phone. I hear her laugh before she hangs up.

"Did you just call me useless?" Sollux shouts from downstairs.

"No. Nepeta is the one being useless, not you. She wants me to look at cat pictures until I can come downstairs."

I hear him laugh, but then I hear him drop something and shout some very colorful words.

"What was that?" I ask, praying he didn't destroy something.

"Oh, I dropped something."

He shouts again, and this time I hear a splashing noise, then it sounds like he's getting water from the kitchen sink.


"I promise, everything is fine! I just dropped some stuff. And burned myself."

"Sollux, are you cooking?"

"Maybe." Okay, that's a yes.

"What are you making?" He probably won't tell, but I ask anyways. I hope it has chocolate. It definitely has chocolate. He knows I love chocolate.

He stays quiet for a moment, and I don't hear anything.

"I'm making something you'll like, if I don't burn everything."

"Yeah, that sounds very reassuring." I roll my eyes and lay back down.

"Why can't I come downstairs?" I shout from my bed. It's actually very boring up here.

"Because you'll se what I'm making!"

I give up talking to him, and look around my room. I walk over to my desk, searching for entertainment. I see a notebook filled with various things, a sparkly (F/C) pen to go with it. There's a variety of books, mostly scary stories. It's fun to scare myself with them, because then I have an excuse to stay up all night and play with Sollux.

Nothing of interest on my desk.

I walk out of my room, and into the bathroom. Since it doesn't require going downstairs, Sollux won't care.
In the bathroom I find nothing. I have almost nothing in there, actually. And it's kind of a mess. I guess I'm not as clean of a person as I thought.

I go back into the bedroom and lay down on the bed. I sit there for a while, looking at the colorful pictures on the wall.

"Hey bunny, come downstairs!" Sollux says. He sounds happy, almost like he's proud of himself.

I jump down the stairs, almost falling as I do so. That was a bad idea, because I hit my arm and the areas where I have bruises start hurting.

"Ow!" I shout, walking to the kitchen where Sollux is.

He holds out a plate with a bunch of cookies.

"Look, I made something! And I didn't, you know, destroy anything."

I grab a cookie, and take a big bite out of it. It's still warm, which makes it better. It's slightly burnt, but I don't really care because it's chocolate.

"Wow!" I say, grabbing another cookie.

He eats one as well, and we both stuff our faces with the chocolate.

As soon as they're all eaten, I sit down and curl up into the corner of the couch. It's actually pretty comfortable.

Sollux sits next to me. He's close enough that I can feel how warm he is. I really want to get closer, but that would be too much for just being friends.

I pull off his glasses, because I like how his eyes look. Despite how strange they are, they're pretty.

"I like your eyes, I wish you didn't wear glasses." I say, poking him on the nose.

"Well, I guess I dont have to always wear them." He says, clearly happy.

For a while, we just sit there. We don't say anything. It's not an awkward silence, it was peaceful. Like the world had stopped, and nothing was moving.

I lean closer to Sollux. He doesn't smell so much like honey anymore. I can feel his hair, which is still soft.
He puts his arm around me, and he lay there. I'm actually pretty tired, and Sollux makes me feel safe enough to sleep.

I shut my eyes, and feel myself slipping out of reality.

"Did (Y/N) fall asleep?" I hear him say. I feel a something soft on my forehead before I fall asleep.

The Bee Boy (Sollux x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now