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"What the fuck?" Nepeta says quietly. So quietly that I barely hear it. This is really surprising, Nepeta never says things like that.

My house is completely torn apart. The table is knocked over, the fridge is wide open, plus a bunch of the food inside has been taken out and thrown around, there's a giant spot on the couch which has been ripped open, and there's broken dishes all over the floor.

"What happened!?" I set the bags down on the ground near the door, where there's no broken glass.

"Nepeta, try to clean this up please? Also, pick up the table. I'm going to look uupstairs." I avoid all of the dangerous objects strewn across the floor, and go up the stairs, which are surprisingly okay.

"WHAT!?" I shout, opening the door to my room.

"Oh no, what happened up there?" Nepeta calls from below.


My bed is a mess. My pillows are all over the place, plus my blanket is... Hanging from the ceiling? This is really weird. My laptop is still safe, and so are my books. The drawers of my desk are all okay, revealing the various things I keep in there. A collection of pencils, pens, papers, trash, and terrible drawings are sticking out of it, as well as being scattered across the rest of the room. Also, the window is open. I had shut and locked it before I left, I know I did.

"Um, I think someone broke into your house." Nepeta says, her usually happy voice now sounded a bit afraid. Of course, I had pretty much made people think I was some violent heartless monster when I was upset, so I'm now surprised she's reacting like this.

"Obviously. But now we have to clean it up, my parents are coming tomorrow, after all." I try to make it sound like it doesn't bother me, and I think I managed to convince her I was okay.

"Oh! Yeah. We should." She let's out a small nervous laugh, almost like she thinks I'm going to suddenly go insane and start shouting at her.

"I'll clean in here, you work on what's down there." I force myself to smile, which I sort of manage to do.

"Right. Downstairs. I'll clean downstairs." She points at the door before turning around and walking out.

We spend the next two hours sweeping up trash, glass, food, and various other things, along with making sure there's nothing stuck in weird places. But the weirdest thing we found was a peice of break in the bathroom sink.

"What about the couch? It's all ripped up!" Nepeta pulls out the couch cushion with the large hole, and frowns.

"We can just flip it over, see?" I take it from her, then flip it where the hole in on the bottom and I put it back in its place.

"Oh, I hadn't thought of that!" She smiles.


Nepeta practically flies to the door, then looks through the glass to see who's there.

"Oh! You didn't tell me he was coming over!" She says before pulling the door open.

Sollux is there, and the cold has turned his nose pink.

"Hi Sollux!" Nepeta waves at him, and I feel my face getting warm. I haven't spoken to him since I had freaked out in front of him, so this might be weird.

"Hey, Nepeta. Hi, (Y/N)." He smiles warmly at us as Nepeta pulls him inside.

I mumble a hello, which I'm not actually sure if he heard it or not, and sit down on the couch to hide my face.

"So, why are you here? I know that tomorrow you and (Y/N) are supposed to pretend to be together so her parents will leave her alone, but wouldn't you be busy on Christmas Eve?"

"No, not really. Karkat is spending today with his new girlfriend, and tomorrow he's supposed to be staying with Kankri or something."

"Kankri? Who's Kankri?" The conversation continues like this for a while, and I eventually stop listening.

Why was my house such a mess? Did it have something to do withmy family? No, not even they would destroy my house. My dad is too nice, and my sister and mother are both afraid of dirt, so I'm fairly confident that they wouldn't be brave enough to make a huge mess in anyones house. But then who was it? Could it be... No, it's not Gamzee. That's a dumb idea.

I sit quietly on the couch, and continue to think. Nepeta and Sollux are still talking, meaning nothing important has happened. And hopefully, it will stay that way for a while.

(I'm sorry the chapter is so short, I've been busy. I'll try to update more, thanks for being patient!)

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