It's not always easy being a Jonas

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Hi my name is Olivia Marie Jonas. I know what you all are thinking oh my gosh the Jonas brothers! I love the Jonas brothers. So do I... well I kind of have to because... Are you ready?

 I am the one and only Jonas sister. I am the thrid out of four children. I have two older brothers Kevin(19) Joe(17) and one younger brother Nick (15). I am 17 years old yes  I know that makes me Joe twin(enough with the screming alredy. Just kiding I love ya'll but ya got to be qutier). To the world they are known as the Jonas brother but to me they are just my brothers. It's not always easy being a Jonas sister. I go though the same struggles as every other teenager on the plant. I just happen to have thee very protective famous brothers.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hey guys this is my first story so let me now what you think.


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