Hey there twiney (Chapter 1)

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Hey ya'll. Just so you know I do write in scrpit from it's easyier for me that way. If you had never read script form give it a chance I am sure you'll like it


Life is a stage


??; Livie! Olivia! Livie! Wake up!

Olivia:(while pulling a pillow over her head) no Joe it's time to sleep.

Joe: but livie, mom said we have to eat as a family and your the only one not up.

Joe starts poking Olivia

Olivia:(Starting to get annoyed) Joseph adam. If you don't stop poking me I'll never leave this bed and you will have to starve.

Joe turns and walks out of her room. Five mins later Joe comes back and sits on her back.

Olivia: hey Joe what cha doing?

Joe: oh your know. Just sitting on my twin.

Olivia: can you get off your twin can't breath.

Joe:nope because she won't come down for breakfast.

Olivia: I'll be right down. Just get off. (while she trys to push him off but fails)

Joe:(Pats Livie on the head) good little sister.

Joe get off and starts running down the stairs. Olivia rolls her eyes, and gets up she grabs her black sweeter with the Jonas. Brother written in red on it and pulls it over her head. She pulls her long brown hair into a pony tail. She looks at herself in the mirror. Then walks down stairs.

Joe: good morning, how nice of you to join us. (while stuffing his face)

Olivia just rolls her eyes at him.While smiling

Nick: morning livie

Olivia: morning Nicky. Where's kevy?

Kevin walks in holding two Starbucks cups. He hands one to Olivia.

Olivia: Oh thank god I love you kevy.

Kevin:(smiles at her) no problem baby girl. I figured you would need it. Good luck with your exams today.

Joe: why does she get Starbucks and not me or nick?

Kevin: cuz livie is the one who needs it.

Olivia: Thanks so much kevy(kisses his check). I was up all night studying. Specking of which I need to go change and head out. I have to pick up some gummy bears for Jess before school.

Nick: Don't you have like 10 packs of gummy bears upstairs.

Olivia:(guilty smile) maybe.... I kind of sort of might have  ate them all while studying. In my defence it was the only thing that could keep my up.

Nick, Joe Kevin all roll their eyes while smiling at her. Olivia runs up the upstairs. Once she gets into her room she she turns on her docking station and her Michael buble playlist was playing. She danced over to her closet, trying to figure out what to wear. She grab her salt and peper roots track pant and her hot pink avictora "pink" sweater. With a white tank top. She grabs her keys and just as she is opens the door Joe comes out of no where

Joe: Hey twiney where you going.

O: you know school you should try it some time.

J: I'll drive ya.(while taking the keys from her)

Olivia looks at Joe a little weirdly. But goes along. Joe hops in the drivers seat and Olivia gets in the passenger seat.

O: Hey J you all right?

J: ya I am fine O why?

O: You normally go back to bed after breakfast until your toter comes. Plus I am going to need you and stop at wal-mart so I can grab some gummy bears.

J: I am fine I just want some twin time, I am not ready to leave you O, I am going to miss you while we are in L.A. Plus I put 3 packs of gummy bears in your purse.

O: J I am going... Where did you get the gummy bears?

Joe stops at a red light

J: O I have my own stash of gummy bear that are hidden so you don't eat them all at once.

O:oh ok, as I ways saying. I am going to miss you to J. I have my last to exams to write, plus I wouldn't get to see you a lot if I were to come with you guy because you guys are either in the studio or doing interviews.

J: I know O it's just hard.

They pull up to school

O: I love you J see you at thee. Reaches over and hugs Joe. Joe hugs her a d kisses her on the check.

J:(half joking) remember O know boys.

O: yes dad. (rolling her eyes)

J: love you

O: love you to

Olivia shuts the door and watches her brother drive a way just as he is out of sight. A pare of arms wrap around her while he kisses her on the head.

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hey ya'll thanks for reading hope you all enjoy. let me know if you notice any spelling mistakes.

btw who do you think the guy is???


Life is a stage

BTW I will not update if you guys don't comment.

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