Everything will be ok

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Hey y'll please read this agian if you already have I just edited it sorry about the weridness earler.

love yall

Life is a stage


At the hospital, mom is sitting in the waiting room looking at her phone. The one person she needs right now is miles away. She needs to hear his voice telling her that their baby girl is going to be ok. She can't believe she let this happen to, two of her babies. Tears start to form in her eyes but she doesn't let the fall. She punches the number into her phone that she knows by heart.  

Paul(Kevin sr.): hey honey, what's going on? 

Denise:(close to tears) our baby is in the hospital, Paul it happened again. I can't do this alone I need you.(the tears start to fall) 

Paul:(worried) baby what's going on sweetheart. It's ok I am right here. I am changing our flights and we are heading home. I just need to know Denise, what's wrong with our baby girl?  

Denise: I think she has... Diabetes.  

Paul: honey stay on the phone with me until you clam down. Everything will be ok the pilot has turned the plane around we will be there in two hours. Angle do you think i should tell the boys?  

Denise: (starts to clam down) yes tell them, I think Joe already knows. I love you paul. See you when you get here 

Paul: I love you so much denise you are my world. See you in a bit. 


Dad with the boys on the plane. He goes over to the couches where the tv is set up and stands behind his sons, he takes a deep breath and turns off the tv with the remote.  

Kevin/nick/Joe: hey! 

Paul: I have to tell you guys something  

The boys follow their dad with confused looks on their faces to the part of their plane where they ate chairs facing each other. They all sit down. Dad takes a deep breath and starts 

Dad: ok so you boys remember when nick got diagnosed. He was acting diffrent, going to the bathroom alot, drinking a ton of water, and lost some weight. 

The boys all nod their heads not sure where he is going with this. 

Dad: Olivia has been showing some of those signs. So she went into for test. Today she was supost to go to her exam them to the docs 

Joe: is she ok? 

Dad: let me finished Joe 

Joe: sorry dad 

Dad: it's ok, anywho when your mom went up to her room to tell her it's time to go, Olivia was passed out on the floor. Your mom called 911 and while waiting for the ambulance she checked her blood sugar and it said HI her breath was fruity as well.  

Nick: that's what keytones do. So she is at the hospital now?  

Joe:(mumbles to himself) I knew we shouldn't have left, I knew she needed me.  

Nick:(think) I knew something has been off with livie I was just hoping that it was just me being paranoid.  

Nick get rips out of his thoughts by Kevin  

Kevin: she needs us now, dad how soon can we get home? 

Dad: I have already got the polite to turn around we should be there(looks at his watch) in two hours and thirty-five minutes. 

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