Almost there...

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Author’s Note: I want to make something clear before you read this chapter. I do not have nor do I want to have diabetes. My dad has type one, so it has been something that I have been interested in. If I say something that does not seem right, please feel free to tell me (nicely please), I’ll fix it. Enjoy the story.


Two day later:

  Olivia is sitting in her hospital room watching Gilmore girls while doing homework. She was wearing black yoga pants with a pink Victoria secret sweater and a white tank top. Her phone buzzed with a text.

???: Hey beautiful, where have you been? I thought you would be at school today.

Oh my gosh, its Matt!

O: Hey matt, ummm… I have a lot to tell you, but it’s really hard to do it over text. Can I call you?

M: Okay?

Two seconds later Olivia’s phone rang.

Olivia: I told you I was going to call you.

Matt: I know but you worried me! What’s up?

Olivia: I honestly have no idea how to tell you this, but…. Could you wait until I’m finished talking and then you speak?

Matt: *takes a deep breath* okay, go

Olivia: Two days ago, I passed out because I went into a diabetic coma, meaning my pancreas stopped working. Mom rushed me to the hospital, and now I am a type 1 diabetic. Its not as bad as I thought; Nicky had it for five years. It will not kill you unless you don’t take care of it. So I have been in the hospital and I will be here for a few more days. They are teaching me how to manage everything.(she said without taking a breath) Okay, your turn.

Matt: wow Olivia. I am so sorry; I didn’t know is there anything I can do for you? I can bring you your homework, food, anything livie… just ask and I will… *a bell rings in the back ground*

Olivia: I am ok for now, you can come visit you know. I wouldn’t mind. Go to class! I’ll talk to you later. Oh yeah, do me a favor.

Matt: sure thing

Olivia: don’t tell anyone.

Matt: I won’t sweet heart I’ll see you later. Bye

Olivia:*smiles* bye

Olivia hangs up smiling the whole time.

*Joe sneaks in*

Joe: How is matt

Olivia:*jumping two feet in the air* geez Joe don’t do that you scared me half to death.

Joe: *sits on her bed with her* sorry, didn’t mean to.

Olivia: it’s ok. Hey I told matt about what happened, and he took it well… I just hope that it didn’t scare him off. Joey I really like him.

Joe: Livie if he doesn’t want to be with you because of D then he is not worthy it, I think he will stick around. Hey I brought food. *holds up bag and pulls out their favorite mac and cheese with salad made by their mama*

Olivia: yummmm I have missed moms cooking.*she pulls out her meter and check her blood sugar then types it into her ipod* how many carbs do you think this has?

Joe: I don’t know but I just called nick *hands phone over*

Nick:  Hello?

Olivia: hey nicky, got a question for ya.

Nick: oh hey, livie! Shoot!

Olivia: How many carbs would be in one cup of mom’s mac and cheese?

Nick: 340, I would advise having just that for now and see how it goes from there.

Olivia:*punches 340 in her pump* ok thanks nicky see you tomorrow, love you!  Btw tell mommy thanks for the food for me.

Nick: you’re welcome, see you soon.

Joe and Olivia eat and just hang out watching three episodes of Gilmore girls. The doctor walks in at 6:30.

Doctor: Hey Olivia how are you doing?

Olivia: I am doing good.

Joe gets up to leave but Olivia grabs his hand and telling him to stay.

Doctor: I got some good news, you have been doing amazing so you get to go home tomorrow afternoon. We just want to make sure you are fine by keeping you one more night. Do you mind if I can see what you are at now?

Olivia: No not at all I was just about to check because I just had mac and cheese for the first time. So let’s do this shall we. *grabs meter puts test strip in and pricks her finger, wait for the countdown and her number surprises her. * Hey doc is it normal to score 100 after you have eaten, I haven’t gotten that yet normally its high but sometimes if I over estimate it’s low.

Doctor: wow um nothing about diabetes is normally, but that is an amazing number. *smiles and high fives Olivia*. So far I have been taking care of your number log, but since you are going home, here it is. I can put your number in as soon as you’re done. Once you are at home  threw out the day or at night because your meter keeps the numbers as well.  I’ll see you tomorrow to get checked out.

Olivia: thank you doc, bye.

Joe put his phone back in his pocket and looks at Olivia

Joe: Way to go livie, awesome number *smiles and hugs her*

Olivia: Thanks joey *Olivia’s phone buzz she looks and it said she has a new twitter mention she clicks on it*


Joe_Jonas: I am so Proud of my favorite sister @theofficaloliviajonas

Nick_Jonas: @Joe_jonas @theofficaloliviajonas I am too, she is the best sister ever, love you

Kevin_jonas: @nick_jonas @Joe_jonas @theofficaloliviajonas you’re the best baby girl! Can’t wait for our star bucks date J

Theofficalolivia: @nick_jonas@Joe_jonas@kevin_jonas I love you, you are the world’s most amazing brothers. Kevy: you me Starbucks in two days?

Kevin_jonas: @theofficaloliviajonas It's a date

Papa_jonas: @theofficaloliviajonas@nick_jonas@joe_jonas@kevin_jonas Hey kids I love you all but stop filling up my timeline ;)

Theofficaloliviajonas: On that note I am off to bed. FAMLIY CALL JOEY!!! Love ya’ll

In the next five mins joe and Olivia ened up falling asleep to up woke up by the sound of joe’s phone. He answers it while Olivia falls back asleep.

Joe: *sleepy* hello

papaJ: Hi joe it’s all of us why did Olivia say to call you?

Joe:  because she wanted to tell you something*looks over at olivia sees that she is fast asleep* but since she is fast asleep so I am going to tell you.  Olivia is coming home tomorrow, and ma… your mac and cheese is a hit! She checked after dinner and she got a perfect score.

Mom: that’s awesome, no wonder you are proud of her.

Nick: Joe is it ok if I drive her home? I want to talk to her.

Joe: I think she would love that.

Kevin: I have to get her something awesome.

Joe: I am off to bed *not talking to the fam but they can still hear* Olivia don’t fall, come here. I have to go she is about to roll off the bed love ya

Fam: bye Joe love you to.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Gusse whaats going to happen next... you might win somthing....

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