chapter 2

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Picture of Philelia. on the side ->


"Rose!" Calls my mom, Philelia.

"Yeah, Ma?" I shout back.

"You're father and I are leaving for our hunting weekend, come and say good bye!" She replies. I quickly jump off my bed and braid my hair before running down the steps.

"Bye momma." I say as she wraps her cold arms around me and hugs me tight.

"I'm gonna miss you sweet pea." She coos, stepping back and kissing me on the forehead.

"Bye pa." I say, kissing my dad, Lysander, on the cheek.

"Bye, pumpkin. Remember the rules, no late night runs-" he starts,

"No parties-" continues my mother,

"and no leaving our territory, I know the game plan." I say with a smile. My dad laughs and my mom grins back at me.

"Ok so, I packed the fridge and cabinets with you're favorite foods and any other necesities. Feel free to eat what ever, it might spoil." says my mother, brushing a loose hair out of my face.

"Thank you." I say, glad that they are leaving me with food instead of blo- well, instead of what i had to eat last time.

"We're only gonna be gone two days, hun." says my dad to my mum, placing his hand on her back and leading her towards the front door.

"Oh, I know, but-" she replies

"I will be fine, dont worry." I interupt. She smiles at me again before kissing me on my forhead before following my dad out the door.

As soon as the front door slams shut, I run back up to my room and collapse on my bed again with my book.

I'm so bored... I tell my wolf, Rain.

I know, me too. We could go and run?... She offers.

haha you always want to run ... I say

I know but you hardly ever let me!... she defends.

what ever, lets just go... I give in, grabbing a sweatshirt and some shorts before jumping out the window.

I hit the ground with a THUMP and roll over to keep my balance.

Like a pro... Rain compliments

"Thanks." I say outloud.

can we go now?... she asks.

I laugh, but slip the sweatshirt and shorts into my basket hanging on the tree beside me and shift.

Lets go.... I say before I take off, practicaly flying through the trees at top speed.

I stop when I reach my secret pond and lay down, resting my head on my paws.

I sit down and watch the fish for a while, thinking to myself.

I had never known my real parents. Philelia and Lysander were just as mom and dad to me as they ever could be, but I couldn't help but miss my biological parents, even if I never met them. With a sigh I finger the key hanging on my chain necklace. It was a gift to me from Philelia. She said it was my mothers. I wear it everyday and never take it off because, in a silly way, it makes me feel like I'm closer to knowing my real mother.

I think about what my parents might phage been like, softly stroking my necklace.

Eventually my eyes drift closed and I fall asleep for a short while. I wake up to Rain talking to me,

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