Chapter Five

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The maze entrances were closed now, and the flames of the bonfire shot up into the dark sky. She watched as some boys played a game inside a circle. Gally pushed and shoved each challenger out onto their behinds with ease, and was not exactly kind about it.
What made that guy so angry?
Newt took a seat next to her and handed her a jar of some liquid.
"I'm scared to ask what this is," she said peering into the jar.
He chuckled and replied,
"I couldn't tell you."
She pressed her lips to the jar and the drink burned her throat on the way down. Newt laughed as she coughed and gagged. He had definitely never come across someone like her before.
She smiled at him and said,
"Whatever it is, it's really bad."
He shrugged his shoulders and took a sip,
"I don't know. I quite like it."
The were a few moments of silence until she asked,
"So the Grievers...what do they look like?"
"Oh, c'mon. What use would that knowledge have in your head? I don't wanna be scaring ya now."
"Oh, alright. I got the day off tomorrow, I'll show you tomorrow morning through the glass."
She smiled and wrapped her arms around him,
"Thank you."
His cheeks turned red and he replied,
"It's nothing."
"I have one more question to ask you."
"And what would that be?"
"Do you think Alby would let me be a runner?"
Newt choked on his drink and looked at her with wide eyes,
"You aren't serious now, are you?"
"I am! I want to run the maze."
"I'm sorry Greenie, I just don't think it's the best idea. You know, with you being..."
"...a girl?"
"No! I was gonna say with you being new here. I don't think you're ready for what's in the maze."
"Well, I'll never know until I try."
"What are you getting at here?"
"Just for a few minutes, we don't even have to go that deep into the maze."
"I'm not taking you into the maze, especially when Alby specifically told you not to. You know how much trouble I could get for that? Besides, I'd never forgive myself if you got hurt."
"That's why you're going with me. And if you say no, then I guess I'll just have to go alone."
He sighed,
"Fine. Only because I know you won't stop."
"Thanks Newt."
She took his hand and added,
"Thank you."

                 *Chapter Five of Twenty-three*

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