Chapter Nine

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The massive walls began to part. She took a deep breath, filling her lungs with the sweet air from the Glade before running into the maze with the others.
"Okay, today our goal is to reach as far out as we can, hopefully beyond the Blades. Everyone watch your backs at all times, especially when we get there. We don't know shit about that place and I don't want to learn the hard way," Minho shouted as they continued running.
It was early afternoon by the time they reached the Blades. They hadn't come across any Grievers yet, and certainly hoped it would stay that way.
"We don't have a lot of time before we have to turn back. Move fast and be ready for whatever this area could throw at you. Remember, survival comes first."
She walked alongside Newt, who seemed to be checking to make sure she was okay every so often.
"What do you think is out there? You know, like, outside the maze." she asked.
"I dunno. But I doubt it could be as shitty as this place. What do you think?"
"It's kind of hard to imagine there's a world outside this place. I mean, I know there is just feels so isolated here."
He looked at the pain displayed on her face,
"I'm sure some senses of the real world will come back eventually."
She sighed,
"Well, they're sure taking their damn time."
He put his hand on her shoulder,
"Listen, I know you're frustrated about not being able to remember anything about yourself...but maybe who we were before the maze doesn't matter. I mean, who we were in the past doesn't have to effect who we are in the present."
"You're right. I guess what really matters is finding out why we're here...and standing by the people that are with us now."
She looked at his brown, warm eyes and he peered back. For a moment, just the two of them remained as the only life in the universe. The same feeling from before filled her stomach.
Newt broke the silence, but continued to gaze at her,
"I can't explain why but, every time I look at you and my stomach gets this feeling like..."
"Like what?"
"As if we–"
Suddenly, the blades in front of them began to shut. They looked over their shoulders and realized they were all closing inward.
"Run!" they heard someone shout in the distance.
He firmly grabbed her hand and they took off running, weaving through closing metal blades. They ran so fast that air could hardly fill their lungs. With all their strength they hurtled themselves away from the place and beyond the area that contained the Blades.
To their right, the people that managed to survive grouped, and Minho among them. He was attempting to catch his breath as he said,
"We lost two."
"Well, we gotta go get them." one of the runners said desperately.
She had seen this boy around the Glade before. He was hardly ever without his best friend, who was now absent by his side.
"There's no going back there. Even if we wanted it's sealed shut. C'mon now, we need to get back before the entrances close and we're all trapped here." Minho replied.
They silently returned back and she thought about the moment before the Blades shut.
What was Newt going to say?
Without much time to spare, they reached the Glade before sun down. Her legs were tired and she collapsed onto the grass as they arrived.
Minho looked down at her as he passed and stated,
"Good first day, Greenie."
"Thanks." she replied worn out.
He said in a softer tone,
"But I know that wasn't your first time in the maze..." and then continued on his way.
She sat up.
Newt stopped as he saw her and asked,
"What's the matter?"
She got to her feet and whispered in his ear,
"Minho knows about my first time in the maze."
His eyes went wide and they both followed after him into the map room.
"Minho, how did you know?" Newt questioned as they followed him into the small hut.
"Know what? About your guys' little joyride through the maze or that you both are crazy for each other?"
Her cheeks went red,
"Woah, what? Who ever said anything about that?"
Newt's face was flushed,
"I have no idea what on earth you're talking about Minho. Back to the matter at hand, how did you find out?"
He smirked,
"Oh come on now. It wasn't that hard to figure out. You two were gone the whole morning, and Alby was in the Deadheads burying Justin. I asked and he said he hadn't seen you both at all. You, Greenie, also weren't scared shitless when you entered the maze this morning."
"Huh. It was pretty obvious now that I think about it." she said narrowing her brows and pinching her bottom lip.
"Well, did you tell Alby?" Newt asked.
"Nah. I'm no snitch. It's safe with me."
A rustling noise came from outside the hut.
"What in the bloody hell..."
They all ran outside the small building but saw nothing but the trees and dirt that surrounded them.
"I'm sure it was nothing. Let's grab something to eat. I'm starving." Minho said rolling his eyes and leading the way.
Newt and she exchanged confused looks and trailed behind him.
That night she was restless, plagued by the thought of what on earth Newt was going to tell her in the maze.
As if we...
The three worded fragment of a sentence repeated itself in her brain.
As if we...what?
She stood up and felt her feet uncontrollably bring her to him. He slept in a room with the rest of the boys that ran the maze. She could see his eyes shining in the moonlight and eventually meet hers. He carefully got up and walked outside to her.
" something wrong?"
She rubbed her head,
"I...couldn't sleep."
"Why did you come here?"
"I'm honestly not sure. Why are you up?"
"Guess I just have a lot on my mind."
"Like what?"
He sighed and sat down. She joined him and they laid down, their heads comforted by the soft blades of grass. It was silent until she couldn't take it any longer,
"Today, in the maze...what were you going to say?"
The question took him by surprise,
"What do you mean?"
"You said, every time you look at me it's as if...what?"
They stared at each other for a long time until he mustered up the courage to say,
" if we are the only ones in existence."
Their eyes remained locked until she held his hand, enlaced their fingers, and fell asleep.

               *Chapter Nine of Twenty-three*

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