Chapter Six

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Water droplets glistened off the blades of grass. The morning was quiet. Today was a resting day, and no one was to do any work, which meant she and Newt would have the maze to themselves and the monsters inside it.
The two moved softly and swiftly, so as not to draw any attention. Newt led in front of her. He had an anxious feeling in the pit of his stomach. Something bad was surely to come out of this trouble, but he couldn't resist making her happy.
They reached the north wall where Newt peeled back a thick curtain of ivy, revealing a grimy green-tinted window.
"Well, go on then Greenie, and you tell me after what you see if you still wanna go into that death trap."
With her fear overtaken by her curiosity, she pressed her hands up against the cold glass and peered into the dark depths of the maze.
It was still for a moment, until a horrendous shriek sounded out within the wall she was pressed against. A Griever, half-beast, half-machine, stabbed the ground with its metal legs as it advanced forward, leaving behind small dents in the dirt behind it.
The only word she could utter was,
"Maze doesn't seem like much fun now, does it?"
Completely disregarding Newt's statement, she said as she ran off,
"I gotta get a closer look at that thing."
He took off running after her,
"Slow down!"
She looked up at the massive height of the walls and stared into the opening. She felt Newt's hand on her shoulder and turned to see him doubled-over and out of breath.
"C'mon Greenie, if we're gonna do this we're gonna do it my way. You gotta do everything I say, good that? The last thing I wanna see is you breaking a leg, or even worse, getting stung by one of those bloody things."
"Okay, Newt. Lead the way."
He inhaled deeply and looked into her eyes. He couldn't let her get hurt at any cost.
He progressed forward and she followed, barely staying behind him. They walked deeper and deeper, until the entrance was only a small crack of light.
Inside the walls lied an eerie and unfamiliar feeling. However, it was masked by her curiosity as to how the maze changed every night and the beings it contained.
"If this place changes every night, then the layout of the maze must repeat itself, like a pattern. I mean, it's not like this maze can change layouts an infinite number of times, right?"
"I suppose you're right, Greenie. But we haven't ever reached the very outer edge of the maze. We don't even have one of the many possible layouts. It would take ages to map out all the bloody layouts and then figure out the pattern they occur."
"Hmm, but what if—"
Her thought was interrupted by a shriek, the same one she had heard before, only this time, they weren't hidden behind glass.
The sounds of loud thuds and scraping metal grew louder.
"Be quiet," Newt whispered as he grabbed her arm and pulled her with him behind an entanglement of ivy attached to the wall.
They stood shoulder-to-shoulder as the sounds gained more volume. It wasn't long until a Griever had found their passage, and began to move towards the end where they were covered. It stopped right in front of them, and stared with its piercing, endless, black eyes.
Newt felt her shaking hand tightly grip onto his. He wanted to tell her that she would be okay, that he would keep her safe, but he kept his mouth shut.
After a short while, the beast continued onward and disappeared behind the corner.
They waited a few minutes to ensure it was gone, then stepped out into the open.
"C'mon, I think that's enough for today," Newt said walking back the way they came.
She followed and said,
"That was amazing! Did you see that thing look right at us? Granted, it was freaking scary, but man, it was so close!"
He stopped in his tracks and looked at her,
"Are you bloody crazy?"
She laughed and replied,
"Perhaps a little."
He rolled his eyes and laughed.
Once again, they found the opening back into the Glade, which seemed like paradise compared to where they had been.
They managed to sneak back in without anyone noticing them and joined the others just in time for lunch.
"Where were you two all morning?" Minho asked before stabbing piece of potato and shoving it in his mouth.
"I was just showing the Newbie here the Deadheads," Newt lied.
"Why on earth would you want to see that?" He asked her.
"Oh, well Alby never showed me it. I just wanted to make sure I wasn't missing out on anything." 
"What's to miss out on? Dead bodies?"
"Why are you asking so many bloody questions Minho?" Newt said annoyed.
He shrugged in reply and continued eating.  
After lunch she pulled Newt aside,
"Thank you for showing me. I know you weren't exactly keen on the idea."
"I'm just glad we're both here safe. Maybe now you'll slim it about the maze for a little while."
She chuckled and replied,
"Don't hold your breath."

                *Chapter Six of Twenty-three*

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