What did you do?

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Hunter's POV

"What is the only food she can't resist" Ace said that with so much determination that is was scary. He must really like her. 

"Steak. She used to do anything to get steak. She even lost her virginity to a 18 year old guy when she was 15 just for about 10 steaks. I wasn't happy with her, but she did it just to feed me as well. This was the time that only mom was around. Dad had left to do a job for his gang and mom was in charge of us. Long story short mom didn't feed us, and dad was gone for a month and a half. So she always had to do what ever she could to keep me fed." I said looking at Ace.

He gave me a grin. 

"From now on every, Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday it will be steak night. We'll start off with having her just eat a tiny bit of the food then slowly work her way up to having at least one meal a day." He said. I nodded and walked back to the living room.

Jinx's POV

Okay so I know dinner was supposed be done soon, but I'm not hungry. For the past 4 years I have been only eating on Wednesdays. I eat one meal a week. Every other day is just sleep days or work days. I had to save money for other things to stay hidden. So I got rid of eating every day. I just went to bed so I wouldn't have to explain the whole reason why I don't eat until Wednesday. It's honestly just become a habit.

I heard a knock at my door but I ignored it and stayed asleep. 

"Jinx? Steak is ready." I heard Hunter call. I know he only knew about the 3 days a week of no eating, but he doesn't know about the now 6 days a week of no eating. I love steak, but I honestly don't know how to break a habit that I've been doing for 4 years. I just shook my head. 

"I'm going to go smoke. I'll be back in 2 hours." I said and walked out to the front door to leave, but I was stopped by Ace.

"Where are you going? Steak is done." He said looking genuinely concerned. 

I shook my head and walked out the front door and started walking. I got out my cigarette and lit it. Where was I walking? Back to the cabin for some alone time and to smoke some weed. What? I need the release. 

By the time I had gotten to my cabin I had gone through 3 cigarettes. I walked in the cabin and got my weed out and just went to town. 

I looked at the time to see I've been gone for 3 hours now so I started walking back. It takes about 30 minutes to get back to the house so it's no big deal. 

I got to the house and walked in to see everyone waiting in the living room watching the door like it's some show. 

"Where have you been?" Ace asked obviously concerned. I rolled my eyes and walked into my room. I started to undress when Ace walked in. 

"Your eyes are dilated. You are high." He said. Can we just like take a moment to look at how hot he is? Yes? Good. 

"Maybe." I said and stripped completely to shower. I grabbed a towel and walked to the shower. Stumbling only a little. 

"You are not taking a shower alone while you can barely stand Jinx." He said. I looked him in the eyes. 

"Then fucking join me goody two shoes." I said. He smirked, but it quickly was replaced by a frown. 

"I'm not taking advantage of you when you are high and showering with you. I will be right outside the shower holding your hand so you don't fall." He said. 

I rolled my eyes. He wasn't kidding either. He did exactly what he said he'd do until I got out of the shower then he wrapped me up in the towel and carried me to my bed. He helped me get dressed and get in bed. After all of that was done he walked out of the room saying goodnight. 

I started drifting off and soon fell asleep. 

It was around the middle of the night when I had woken up randomly. I tried to fall back asleep, but I couldn't so I walked into Ace's room. I know fucking weird, but if he can help me when I can barely stand or even walk; then he could help me fall asleep. Being high doesn't last long which sucks. 

I walked in and laid in bed next to him, but far enough to not touch. 

"What are you doing in here?" He asked sleepily.

 "I can't sleep." I said. He just laughed a little bit and pulled me into his embrace.

"I knew you liked sleeping with me babe." He said and I could tell he was smirking. 

"Don't push your luck bud." I growled. He just continued to laugh and kissed my neck then buried his head in the crook of my neck. 


Hey guys did you like this chapter? Sorry it was shorter than normal. I actually posted on time. I'm hoping I can start doing this more often.


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