Jinx is just a mysterious girl. She's no goody two shoes that's for sure. While her brother is part of a gang; she is not. She has been asked to join by her brother ever since their parents death, but she always refuses. She always tells her brother...
So the past 3 months haven't been really hectic or eventful really. A lot of the time was just me chilling with my brother and Ace. Nothing big... except Ace, but he's mine so I won't spill the juicy details.
Anyway I decided that today I'd dye my hair. I had gone to Hot Topic to pick up some Arctic Fox hair dye. I was going to do a pastel blue on the tips of my hair.
"Babe! Time to dye my hair!" I called out to Ace. We had already bleached my hair over a course of 1 month. Bleaching my hair a total of 3 times all spread out to give my hair a rest each time.
He was soon right behind me, and putting on a pair of black gloves. I of course was too lazy to dye my hair so when it came to this I let him bleach and dye my hair. He's actually really good at it.
"Okay did you mix it to the colour that you want it to be princess?" He asked putting Vaseline on my neck. I nodded, and he turned my head around so that I was facing him.
"Then let's get this started baby." He said kissing me. I smiled and turned around.
*3 hours later*
So it took him around an hour to put the dye in evenly, and then after we waited for 2 hours. Then I washed it out, and let me be honest with you; I love it so much.
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"I love it baby. It looks gorgeous." I said kissing Ace. He smiled, and pulled me closer to him.
"It can never be as gorgeous as you." He smiled, and I tackled him in kisses all over his face and neck. He chuckled slightly picking me up, and I wrapped my legs around him still kissing him all over.
"I love you." I said after giving him a lot of kisses. He smiled and kissed my lips passionately.
"I love you too baby girl. Now what do you want to do today?" He asked. I looked up at him and smirked.
"How about we stay home," I whispered in his ear seductively. I could see him smirk in the corner of my eye. "and do fun things." I finished pulling back from his ear.
"Like what baby?" He asked in a husky voice. I leaned in closer to him until I was an inch away from his face.
"Like binge watching Bob's Burgers all day." I smiled innocently as his smirk faded. I peck him on the lips and got Netflix set up.
"Such a fucking tease." I heard Ace mumble under his breath. I laughed and walked back to him.
"Always and forever my love." I smiled. This guy has given me a reason to smile. Not even my family could do that.
"I hate how I can never stay mad at you." He glared. I laughed quietly, and went close to his ear.
"Softy." I smirked pulling away until he grabs hold of my waist making sure I didn't move any further, and then kissed me.
"Only for you my love." He said once he pulled away. I smiled and kissed his nose. I got back in bed getting under the covers and played episode 1; season 1 of Bob's Burgers. Then Ace pulled me closer to him, and I started snuggling up to him.
"Softy." He whispered. I looked up and laughed.
"Only for you my love." I said quoting him like he did to me. He laughed and kissed my forehead. I turned back to the show and continued watching feeling content with my life right now.
We were almost half way through the 2nd season when I got a text. I looked at Ace and then to my phone as we both had the same confused expression.
Jinx, you have another fight tonight in 3 hours.
"Fuck." I said throwing my head back in annoyance. I looked over to Ace, and just got up going to prepare for my fight.
I went to the closet to get my black sports bra, black leggings, and my wraps. Once I finished that I started heading towards our gym to practice really quick before my match.
"Another fight?" Ace asked as I was punching a punching bag. I nodded.
"I thought you stopped." He frowned. I sighed.
"I did, but I need the money. Plus I haven't hurt anyone in the past month. That seriously needs to change or else I'm going soft." I huffed throwing punch after punch.
"Then I'll be there to support you. I just want you happy." He smiled kissing my check.I rolled my eyes and kissed his jaw-line.
"Thanks baby." I said
It was now time for me to fight, and to be honest I was not wanting to fight for longer than 5 minutes. I'm stepping in the ring undefeated, and I'm walking out 5 minutes later still undefeated.
"FOR OUR NEXT FIGHT WE HAVE OUR UNDEFEATED CHAMP JINX GOING AGAINST SHADOW!!!!" The announcer screamed into the mic as my opponent and I made our way to the ring.
"Okay I want a clean fight. FIGHT!!" The announcer called out.
I instantly tripped the guy so I could finish this then when he started getting up I got into a strangling position. I was on his back and squeezing him with my whole body until I felt him have trouble getting air. That was when I got off his back and kicked him right in the jaw. Then punched him in the nose hearing that satisfying crack.
Then after 5 minutes I had won and walked out of the ring leaving Shadow there unconscious.
"Good job babe." Ace said kissing my cheek and hugging me from behind. I nodded and proceeded to lead him to the car after we got my winnings.
I was tired and ready for bed.
Hey guys I hope you enjoyed this chapter. It took a little longer to write than all of my other chapters so far because in the middle of it I had gotten writers block, so sorry if it's bad. Also sorry it's shorter.
Also another note:
I might be ending this chapter a little earlier than 10 chapters. I still don't know for sure yet. I'm also thinking of doing a short story, but that is still to be decided.