Ace's POV
"You look like shit." Jinx said. I chuckled putting each of my hands on either side of her small waist. I looked her in the eyes.
"Why don't you smile?" I asked tilting my head. She rolled her eyes and sighed in annoyance.
"I was expecting you to ask this; just not this early. I have no reason to smile." She said bluntly. I nodded. I lowered my head a little bit and kissed her. When I pulled away I looked at her, admiring and treasuring her beauty. Every second I get to look at her is the best time of my life.
"Jinx, why do you make me feel things I have never felt with a girl before?" I asked. She tilted her head and shrugged.
"Same reason why you make me feel things I have never felt in my life." She said. I smiled.
"Will you make me the happiest man in the universe and be mine?" I asked. She looked me in the eyes and did something I never thought I'd see her do before; she smiled.
"Yes." She smiled. My face lit up with excitement and shock. I swiftly picked her up by the waist screaming of joy. Then I slowly put her back down in the water only to kiss her passionately.
When we pulled away I couldn't stop smiling.
"You're an idiot." She said. I smiled. "But you're my idiot." She smiled.
She has smiled two times tonight. I am that reason. This makes me so happy.
God this girl is my weakness, but I'm fine with that.
*Next day*
I woke up pretty early to feed Jinx and the guys who came home earlier this morning.
While I was making the pancakes I was still smiling from last night.
"Hey house was yesterday?" Hunter asked. I turned around to face him.
"It went great. After I asked her out she smiled. Twice in one night in fact." I smiled, and saw Hunter's face turn into shock.
"Damn. You really have an impact on her bro." He said as I nodded going back to my pancakes. That was when I heard the door open and multiple footsteps.
"Hey, I'm making pancakes guys." I said. The guys cheered.
"I want eggs." Jinx said. I laughed.
"I'm already making pancakes baby." I said. She huffed.
"That wasn't a question." She said. I sighed.
"We don't even have eggs." I said.
"Go buy em' then" She said. I sighed in defeat.
"Fine. Let me finish the pancakes for the guys, and we'll just go to a cafe for our food." I said.
"Yay. Thanks babe." She said.
"Anything for my princess." I smiled pecking her on the lips.
Then I heard someone make a whipping noise followed by Harrison whispering something loud enough for me to hear.
"Whipped." Then all of the guys burst out into laughter. I rolled my eyes.
"Keep laughing and all of you will be 6 feet under." Jinx glared causing everyone to quickly shut up. It sucks she's back to her emotionless self, but I have hopes that I'll make her smile again.
"Here's your breakfast guys. We'll be back with groceries later." I said sliding an arm around Jinx's waste and grabbing my keys.
We got in the car and Jinx looked at me.

The Gang Leaders Girl
Novela JuvenilJinx is just a mysterious girl. She's no goody two shoes that's for sure. While her brother is part of a gang; she is not. She has been asked to join by her brother ever since their parents death, but she always refuses. She always tells her brother...