Ace's POV
I woke up on the floor. I looked at the bed and saw Jinx glaring at me.
"Did you push me off the bed babe?" I smirked. She gave me a death glare and nodded. I have never seen her show any kind of emotion except for angry and annoyed.
She got out of the bed and walked to her closet. She got a pair of workout clothes and changed. After she was changed she got on running shoes and left the cabin. I walked outside behind her to see that she was going on a run. I decided to take a shower while she was gone.
I walked to the bathroom. Since I'm pretty sure when people go on a run they won't be back for a while if they run over a mile. So in 4 hours Jinx will be back. My showers usually take just a couple minutes, but I'm just gonna be spending like an hour figuring out how to work the damn thing.
After an hour and a half I finally figured out the shower and had found the towels. I undressed and hopped in the shower. I was just about to shampoo my hair when I heard the door. How the actual fuck? I heard footsteps in the bathroom.
"Get out." She growled.
"If you need to shower so bad babe just join me because there is no way in hell I'm moving." I laughed.
She huffed and walked out of the bathroom only to come back a couple minutes later with a swimsuit for me. She threw it into the shower.
"What is this?" I asked.
"Put it on." She said bluntly. I did as she said and told her it was on. She got in the shower wearing only a swimsuit.
"I love the outfit, but maybe if you were wearing less it'd help." I smirked looking her up and down. She put her hand around my neck and pushed me against the wall and growled.
"You're a feisty little kitten aren't you?" I smirked. She just continued to glare and started washing her hair.
After we got out of the shower she got dressed. I looked at her.
"I don't have any new clothes kitten." I said. She sighed in annoyance and handed me some men's clothing. I glared at the clothes then at her.
"Who. Does. This. Belong. To?" I growled. She rolled her eyes and pushed past me grabbing her keys. I followed her.
"Answer the question" I growled once again.
"None. Of. Your. Business. Dipshit." She growled and got in her car. I got in the passenger seat and glared at her.
She started the car and drove off. It was around 3 pm; so I don't know where she's is going at the moment, but I plan on getting my answer. I kept asking her until she finally caved in.
"Fine! If you want to know so badly get out of the car." She growled as she pulled up to an abandoned warehouse.
I got out of the car as she did the same and started to follow her to the back. What I saw back there was not anywhere near what I was expecting.
"Was this you?" I asked while looking at a mountain of dead bodies, but what stood out about all of them is that I knew them. They all were in gangs that had problems with my gang.
"You said Hunter is the safest person in you gang. This, Ace is why. I know about what these people plan on doing to Hunter way before you guys know." She stated looking at her body mountain.
Damn this chick is badass. She must be mine. I won't let anyone else have her. I won't let anyone hurt her. She will be protected by me. Until eternity ends; I will forever protect her.
"Damn girl. You should join my gang if you're this fucking good" I stated as we walked back to her car. She stopped so suddenly.
"No." She said bluntly while glaring at me.
She then got a grenade out of her car ad started walking back. She bombed the mountain so there would be no trace. Smart girl. But if she does all of this shit why won't she join my gang?
Hunter's POV
So last night at the party I saw my long lost sister. The only family member I had left after mom and dad died.I tried to talk to her, but she kept ignoring me and getting away. Ace had told me he was gonna get her to talk to him last night and get her to come see me. He never really let me say yes or no he just drove off in the same direction that Jinx did.
He texted me last night explaining why she refused to come see me again, and said he got her to actually speak to him. I was extremely surprise by that since she only talked to me. So that obviously means she has some sort of feelings towards him. I just don't see her liking him, if she talked to him she would feel protective. So knowing my sister she has started feeling protective over him. Most likely because he is the leader of the most fear gang, and I know the background as to why she'd feel protective over him. Me and the guys have also decided that we'd be going to the party again tonight in hopes of seeing Jinx.
All of the guys have said how hot she is and how lucky and unlucky I am to be her twin brother. I'm lucky because she only talks and spends time with me. I'm unlucky because they said I couldn't date her. Which I laughed at that would be incest so no I'll pass.
"Hey Hunter Ace just texted us saying they are at the party." Jed told me and I looked at the time to see that it was now 8 pm. Damn time really does move fast. I got up from my bed. "Let's go then." I said as everyone cheered.
It's time to see my sister.
Hey guys I hoped you enjoyed reading this chapter.
I know this is late, but I will be randomly putting pictures of Lars, Blaze, Harrison, and Jed throughout the book. When I feel they are need or if they are needed in a certain scene. Let me know what you think about that.
I almost deleted this whole chapter by acciedent. I got so worried. I obviously retrieved it, and am very thankfull. Hopefully that won't happen again.

The Gang Leaders Girl
Dla nastolatkówJinx is just a mysterious girl. She's no goody two shoes that's for sure. While her brother is part of a gang; she is not. She has been asked to join by her brother ever since their parents death, but she always refuses. She always tells her brother...