Chapter thirteen: the ''Hunt''

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So right now I am sitting at the lunch table..........Alone.........Waiting for James to tell me what happened with our plan

"Hey Kristin!" Alice shouts

"Hey" I call back

"So what you doing?'' 

"Sitting..." I say

She laughs "No chiz"

I see James walk in "Oh hold on a sec" I say

I run over to James "What he say?"

"I'm officially evil! Conner said I am this girls guard now..."

"Uhh whose...??"

"Joking! Rose ran off to hide for a while untill she has a comeback plan.... She will be back soon enough and we need to be ready"

We need to be ready??? To kill Rose in like soon enough???

"How long is soon enough??" I ask

"I don't know..."

Oh god what how are we gonna kill her...

"Oh but I have an idea..." James says quickly

"Really? good cause I got nothing"

"We will need to GO and find Rose we can't wait for her to come here...."

"But we don't know where she is, How do we find her and our parents wouldn't let us especially yours..."

"Yeah but what if we tell our parents something else.... If we go to her she won't expect it"

"Okay... What do we tell our parents?"

"That we uhhh...."

"James this is a bad idea...." 

I don't think this plan will work. One because our parents will never let us go and two what if Rose is expecting us...

"I don't... I think if you won't come I will get someone else to help me"

"James I thought you didn't want to help! Now I don't want to do this and you say your going to get someone else to help you because I don't want to?"

"Kristin Rose want's to kill you!!! I'm not just going to sit around and wait for Rose to come along and kill you.."

"Well i'm not going!" I argue

"Okay I guess I will get Anna to help me.."

Anna really. She is on the bad side!!!! Why would she help James???

"Or maybe Sarah......" He adds

Oh not Sarah....

"Okay, Okay I will help you" I say

"Good... I will tell my mom that I'm going camping with some friends" He says

"What about me?" I ask

"Tell your mom the same thing"

HA like my mom would let me go out without her

"Yeah right James!" I laugh

He laughs

"Well I have no more idea's" James says

"I will figure something out"

"Okay good we start the hunt tomorrow"

I laugh

Well maybe this "hunt" won't be so bad after all

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