Chapter twenty two *END*

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I see my moms little black car come speeding down the street. I'm still smiling from what happened earlier

"Kristin get in the car!" My mom says through the open window

I open the door and slide into the front seat. I close the door and instantly my mom starts driving. I look over at my mom but she doesn't even look at me once.

When we pull into my garage all my mom says is to go straight to my room and we will talk in the morning. I start walking to my front door and my mom decides she wants my phone too. I hand her my iPhone and for the first time in my life I'm am glad I put a password on there. I don't usually hide anything on there but just in case right?

I walk inside take my shoes off and walk up my stairs into my room. I plop myself on the bed and stare at my ceiling fan. My mom is gonna kill me tomorrow. I come home late and I was with James when she specifically told me not to....

Soon enough I couldn't keep my eyes open so I decided to just sleep. It literally only took thirty seconds until I was fast asleep


I wake up thinking I had school today, totally forgetting it's summer break but I check my phone and realize it's Friday, and I had no school on Friday

I get up and walk into my bathroom, Yikes! I do not look good in the morning

I brush my hair and put it in a messy bun then go downstairs

I go to the cupboard and pull out a cereal box and pour It into a bowl. Now I need to get the milk. I open the fridge and guess what? No milk

"Are you kidding me??" I mumble

I talk my bowl of cereal and walk to couch

This cereal is not as good without milk.....

I put the cereal down on my coffee table and I hear my mom walking downstairs

"Kristin..." My mom calls

"Umm yeah?" I call back

She walks into the living room

"Here's your phone back..." She says as she hands me my phone

"What? Why?" I ask confused

"I was too hard on you... I know you and James are friends, I can't change that...."

My mom was just accepting that we were friends, I liked him more than that..... a lot more than that

"Oh... thanks mom" I say

"I'm going out to get milk, don't eat anything that involves milk! We have none"

"A little too late for that!" I say and point to my dry cereal

She laughs "Be back soon Kristin!" and she walks away and out the door

I know my dads at work so I'm home alone.....

I turn on my phone and see I have a missed call and a text from James

The text says

Hey Kristin, meet me at the park at 2:00


I sigh. Like my moms gonna let me go meet James at the park

I look over at the clock


Heeeeey maybe I can sneak out meet him there and beat my mom home

I grab my jacket slip into my flats and run out the door

I finally get to the park at 1:59 but there's no sight of James. I look around the park but there's no one but little kids!

"Come on James" I mumble... I gotta go soon, what does he want????

I look over and see him casually walking to the park

"James" I shout

We make eye contact

"Hurry up!!"

He runs over to me

"God child what's the rush??" James asks

"My mom doesn't know I'm here"

"Oh I'm really sorry Kristin, I didn't mean to get you in trouble"

"It's ok my moms not that mad"

"Good" he looks relived

"Okay well I need to go soon sooo"

"oh yeah, I was wondering... Kristin do you wanna go out with me?"

I look at him, I wasn't suprised that he asked me that... I really like James, now I know that he likes me too. My mom would kill me!! James is looking at me like he thinks he shouldn't have asked me.... He must be nervous...

"Yes" I nod

"What?!?! Really?!?!"

I nod again

"What about your mom??"

"She will have to deal with it....."

He smiles

My moms gonna be home any minute

"I gotta go James"

"Okay text me"

"I will"

"Bye Kristin"

"See you later James"

I turn away thinking I can't believe I fell for my best friend........

The End

That's it! Falling for you is le fin... I admit it's gonna be weird not writhing about Kristin and James.... Well now I need to write about Tyler, Ashlynn and Miles. I will be working on "like a sister" now... I might change that title though. Okay well hoped you enjoyed please vote :)

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