Chapter twenty-one: Something to tell you

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I look at him wide eyed and start to blush

I can't believe he just said that out loud! In front of everyone!!!!

Everyone looks at me and I feel my face go hot! I guess I'm blushing ALOT!!!

I have to get out of here....I feel really embarrassed

I get up and run outside onto Alice's porch

Well I can say that that was AAAAAWWWWKKKWARRRRD

I hear the door open and obviously it was James....

"Yes?" I ask

"Ummm hey to you to?" He reply's

"Is that what you wanted to tell me??.... I mean earlier today?" I ask

He takes a couple seconds to reply

"Yeah.... It was... Sorry Kristin"

I smile "it's okay... Sorry for running out like that"

"It's okay"

I look over at him and instantly feel bad

I shouldn't have ran out like that. How embarrassing must have that been for James? He admits he likes me and then I run out like that


James likes me?

That can't turn out well.....

The door opens

"Kristin! What was that?" Alice asks

"I don't know" I laugh

She smiles and so does James

"Well I'm going back inside to host my partaaaay!" Alice says

"You do that!" I laugh

She goes inside

"Kristin that wasn't really the question I wanted to ask you...."

"Oh it wasn't"

"Well was that a question?"

I roll my eyes

Really! I don't even know if I really like him back yet

Okay well I do know but I don't know what to say! James is my best friend.... This is gonna change everything!!

"Kristin.. After that trip I realized I really like you, I think you might like me too but I'm not sure so I need to know-"

I cut him off "Yes..... I do like you but your my friend. I like the way things are now! I want it to stay that way...... You know what I mean" I ask

He nods but instead of saying anything he walks back inside

Why's he gotta be all difficult!

I sit outside for a while more just staring at this little bug walking around carrying food not thinking about anything. I wish I could sit here and watch this little bug longer but I think I'll just go home

I walk inside to say bye to Alice but I couldn't seem to find her, or anyone I really talk to for that matter

I go into the kitchen and see Mike and Katie talking with random people

"Hey Katie!'' I call over to her "Have you seen Alice?"

I have to shout to make my voice louder then the music

"Um no I haven't sorry" she shouts back

"Okay thanks anyways!" I say then turn to check her living room

Again, not there! Where is this child?? Where else could she be.... Wait she might be with Simon somewhere, I'll just text her

I text her saying I'm leaving and soon enough she stumbles out of a bed room

Her hair is all messed up and her lipstick is smudged so I'm better off not asking

"Kristin! Why are you leaving?" She asks

"I - I'm tired so I'm gonna go, it's late anyways!" I reply

"What happened with James, Kristin is that why your leaving?"

"Nothing happened Alice it's fine! I'm just tired"

"Okay well Kristin if your tired, leave but tomorrow I will force you into talking!"

"Yeah yeah whatever Alice" I roll my eyes I turn and walk to the door

I start walking home cause I'm too lazy to call my mom to pick me up. I walk down towards my house and stop at a red light. I hear someone call my name but when I look behind me no one is there. Then I feel someone grab my hand and turn me around

"James?" I ask

"Kristin" he says out of breath

I didn't care as much with what he was going to say I had one question on my mind

"James did - did you follow me home??"

"Kristin you asked me earlier if I understood what you meant, but I don't understand! If I like you and you like me -"

"James chill out for a second your gonna pass out!"

He stops talking and catches his breath

"My god how long were you running for?" I laugh

He laughs too

"Okay why we're you following me home?" I ask still wondering

"I wasn't! I wasn't planning on chasing you but I needed to ask you that"

"Ask me what?" I ask

"I just asked you stupid"


"We're you not listening"

"I thought you were gonna pass out I wasn't listening I thought you were rambling on"

"I wasn't"

"Well now I know that!"

"Okay I don't understand! I said I did but I didn't"

"I made it pretty obvious James!'' I say getting annoyed that he won't just leave me alone

I admit, on that trip if he told me that he liked me I would have said yeah James I like you too! And we would all be happy but now it's just.... Different somehow

I start to try to push past him because it's getting really dark but he grabs my arm turns me around and smashes his lips into mine. This time the kiss is different, I feel butterflies in my stomach and I want to stay here forever. James pulls away and we just look at each other for a while but then my phone rings and breaks this long moment. Mothers!

I look at the time and it's nine o clock, I was supposed to be home at eight thirty. Uh oh! I answer the phone anyways

"Kristin!' My mom almost shouts into the phone

"Yeah I know I'm sorry"

"Get home right now!"

"Okay okay"

"Who is that?" James whispers, but not quiet enough

"Are you with James!?!?"

"Ummm no" I lie

"Kristin where are you?"

"I'm in front of the esso near our house?"

"Stay there I'm coming to pick you up and James better not be there when I get there"

"Okay okay bye mom"

She hung up and I could tell she was MAD!!

"James you gotta go"

"Sorry Kristin"

"It's fine James" I smile

"Now go!"

He smiles and then he took off running

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