Chapter 7

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(Gavin's POV)

I really hated getting up early, but I was able to shake off the weak tired feeling in a matter of minutes. I couldn't get myself to feel calm or relieved though. Even when I walked outside my door and saw the sun had only just risen a little bit, meaning everyone was still fast asleep, I couldn't get myself to relax. tip-toed straight across the Achievement Hunter logo to where there was a bulletin board with a couple of chests next to it. While still looking around the field to make sure nobody saw me, I pulled a video camera out of one of the chests from the Let's Play we had been filming yesterday.

I carefully hooked it on to my shirt and made sure it pointed forward similar to how I had done it the day before. The camera made it feel like my suspicion was official, which I didn't like. I just needed it in case I found something... out of the ordinary. Maybe even if I found Ray. Something that could give me proof, and I knew I should have felt smart for doing that.

The familiar kung fu house was very close by. I stood close to the dirt wall of it, trying to listen for anything. Anything at all. But there wasn't anything, not even Ryan's snoring. I considered turning back and going home for a few moments. Maybe I didn't want to know if he was capable of doing something so scary. Maybe I just wanted to ignore the possibility he had something to do with Ray's disappearance and go on living my life like he didn't scare me sometimes. Like there was no Edgar and like his evil laugh when we filmed "Mad King" episodes didn't send chills down my spine.

The memory of the night right after Ray had won kept replaying in my mind as I got closer to the door of the picture-covered house. When Ray had been talking about Edgar with confidence, thinking he could get away with it because he doubted Ryan could have been as dark as he appeared to be. I should have thought about the glare Ryan had been giving him at that party. About how that was the very same night we had seen Ray for the last time.

Another scary thought that had popped into my head the night before was that Ray hadn't even mentioned Edgar that much. What about my little Michael? The time he had tired to free Edgar? If I was right, and if Ryan was willing to "get rid" of people for simply mentioning his cow, what would he do to someone like Michael if he found out? Maybe he thought Ray was responsible for putting "Free Edgar 2013" signs around his house. Ryan could have had it in for Ray for a long time now. One man being punished for another one's actions, both of which were innocent.

I steadily opened the door, expecting to see him peacefully sleeping in his bed. But as I entered his room I realized things were missing. His bed was un-made and empty, and there was no glass on the floor. Where there should have been a small cage there was instead the boring glass flooring. Needless to say, the "emergency chicken" Ryan kept was also no longer there. I turned around the room in confusion. Did this mean I was wrong? Maybe Ryan was just an innocent Achievement Hunter who had given up on his little pets and he would never dream of kidnapping or murdering someone.

Fear shook my body a little bit, and I felt it was hard to move. I got the feeling I was being watched. That he was watching me and that he would be back home any second. Looking back out at the field again, I thought about what he would think of me snooping through his house. I thought about what his reaction to my accusation would be when I told him I thought he was a murderer.

I closed the door, and looked back down on the ground. I began digging through a chest next to Ryan's bed. Anything to give me some proof on camera. In it there was some food, a sword, some armor, a book and quill, wood planks, seeds, 3 spare beds, and a pic-axe.  The only things that could have been thought of as suspicious were the beds, what would he need them for? I tried thinking up some kind of twisted story in my head, something I could use to frame him. I pulled out the book and began to read it, wondering what secrets that might hold.

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