Chapter 13

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Ray's POV 

I had just finished getting all my health back, when I saw Gavin and Michael kissing. My heart fell.

What no one knew was that, I knew Gavin was struggling. I wanted to help him. I did. But Michael was willing to give everything up for him, and I wasn't. I knew that I was on good terms with Geoffrey, and if I cheated he would hate me. I needed his support to survive. What everyone thought I did with the money, that I wasted it on junk, was really me stocking up. I was stocking up on armor and food and weapons. Enough for three people. I love Gavin, I really do. I've loved him since we met. But I knew he loved Michael. So if I planned to run away, I was definatly taking Gavin. I know he wouldn't go without Michael. His beloved. And as much as I love Gavin, I love seeing him happy. And if Michael was what made him happy, Then so be it. I know Michael has enough stuff, and with whatever Gavin has and all of my supplies, we could make our own life somewhere else. We could quit, and move away. And I could live with Michael. But for now, I wanted to keep trying.

"Ehem," I cleared my throat, getting scared/ surprised looks from the two that made up Mavin,"What did I miss?"

Gavin shrugged. "Micool and I have sat in here the whole time, Jack came to check in but we told him you were resting. Geoff is throwing a party later, and we are putting off Lets Play's until you are all better. They haven't noticed Ryan's dissapearance yet."

Michael shuddered. 

"You okay boi?" Gavin cooed

"If they find Ryan, do you think they'll be mad at us for locking him in a cage somewhere?" I could see the worry in Michael's eyes. 

"He kidnapped Gavin and I, He deserves it. We shouldn't tell Geoff though."

"Why not?" Michael said defensivly.

"Ray's right, we don't know if we can trust him. I never trusted him. He blamed me for Ray's dissapearance. The minge..." Gavin trailed off using more meaningless phrases.

A knock pounded against the door and the room vibrated.

"Speak of the devil..... Heyyy Geoff!!!" Michael yelled, opening the door and inviting the 'devil' in. I personally didn't trust him either. Just cause he likes me, doesn't mean I have to like him back. I never trusted anyone. I slept with one eye open. The only one I trusted was Gavin. Gavin was different than the others.

"What's up guys?!?! Is everyone ready for the ultimate party!!!!!!! When Ryan comes back from wherever he is, we're gonna have a bitching party!! How's that sound!?!" Geoff's voice cracked a few times. I suppressed a laugh. 

"Yeah we are Geoff, except I don't think Ryans coming back. You see Michael and Ray and I took him an.......OWWWW WHAT IN THE BLOODY.............." I kicked him.

Geoff raised an eyebrow. 

"What was that Gavin? Where's Ryan?" Gavin gulped, realizing what he did. Michael spoke up.

"Ryan kidnapped Ray, he kidnapped Gavin too. I found them, let them go, and caged Ryan. He's somewhere in the forest that way." He pointed toward the tracks next to his house.

"Oh.... I see. I'm sorry I blamed you for kidnapping Ray. I just figured......." Gavin cut him off.

"Oh its fine Geoffrey. Lets just go party!!" Gavin yelled. Michael smiled at me, and I smiled at him. He grabbed Gavin's hand protectively and smirked. I glared at him.

"Geoff..... Ummm so what will we do about Ryan. And the fans? What do we tell them?"

Don't worry about them," He stopped to open the door to his monolith,"Lets worry what we'll do about you and Gavin. Tell ya what, I'll give you a raise?!" He said/asked.

"How much though?" I was worried Gavin wouldn't have enough. I had plenty, and If I had to.. I'll give Gavin my money.

"Enough that you and Gavin will never go hungry ever again! Just one thing."

"What is it?"

"I need you to kill Gavin."

Thats when I fainted, and everything went black.

Gavin's POV

When I saw Ray fall over, I let go of Michael and ran to Ray. 


"H-he fainted. I told him there was cake in here... Heh." Geoff fake-laughed.

"Oh well the little gub is probably pretending. X-Rayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!" I drew out the Y.

Ray didn't move.

"MICHAEL COME HELP ME!!" I shook Ray. He didn't move.

"What happened?! Is Ray okay?" Jack said running up.

"Hold on, I got this." Geoff went down into his basement and brought up a splash potion of regeneration.

"Oh perfect!" I yelled, stealing it from Geoff and hurling it at Ray. I missed.


"Its alright I brought another....." Geoff gave it to me.

I threw it and missed, again.

"You dumb prick. Let me do it!" Michael yelled, pushing me away.

"Micoo---" I started, as he hurled it at Ray's face.

"OWW WHAT THE FLICK?!?!" Ray stood up quickly, rubbing his head.

"Someone had to wake you the flick up, Gavin wasn't much help being the flicking retard he is."

"Micool thats not..."

"No, Shut the flick up Gavin."

"I..." I turned and ran out. Tears filling my eyes.

How could Michael do this? He was being such a.... such a....

My thoughts were interupted with the sound of Micool yelling after me. it was dark, he probably couldn't see me. So I ran to the only place I could think of that would calm me.

Michael's POV

I ran after him. 

I don't know why I said it. 

It could have been the pain of knowing Ray loves Gavin, and Gavin loves Ray. 

"GAVINNNNNNN!!!" I called. 

No response. 


I fell into the mud, It was raining.

"Hello there Micoo...." A very familliar voice said behind me.


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