Chapter 15

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 I ended a life. 

And it felt great.

I threw the sword on the ground, looking at Michael for any sign of anything from him.

He didn't move.

Ray came up to me and engulfed me in a hug. I just stared at Michael. He finally looked up.

"How many lives do you guys have?"

"I have 403, as I said." I said. Somehow it came out like I was proud of it. 

"I have like 1,242." Ray said.

Michael looked down.

"Why Micool? How many do you have?"

He shrugged.

"Like, 1729."

I gasped, so did Ray.

"Thats so many!!" Ray screamed.

"Then while that number is still high, we need to go. Run to your houses, gather what you can, meet up here. Don't get caught up." Michael said.

He reached for me, pulling me into a bear hug. (A/N HeeHee Cuz He's a bear.) I ran to my house, opening all the chests I had and getting out a backpack, throwing the materials I had in there. I knocked down some torches and paintings, taking a look at the house with a sigh before running back. "Hey Gav, where ya going?" I heard, my heart and feet stopping. "Uh, H-Hey Geoff..." I said nervously. 

Michael's POV

I grabbed 2 backpacks, me needing more space, as I had more things. I threw them all in, putting the unimportant things in last. I took a look at the now barren house, being deprived of beds, paintings, chests, and everything except a single torch. I sighed, knocking it down, leaving the room completely dark and taking a bucket of lava, filling the house after I had ran out. I knew this would buy us time, so I ran, reaching the destination and finding I was the first one. I sat on Ryan's bed, a chill going through my spine as I waited, putting two blocks in front of the door.

Rays POV (YAYY!)

I nodded my head, running over as quick as I could and not running into anyone, luckily. I'd grabbed my things quickly, running back to Ryan's place and overhearing a nervous stutter of "H-Hey Geoff...". Recognizing the voice as Gavin's, I rushed over, seeing Geoff standing over the Brit, sword in hand. "Hey Geoff." I said in a normal tone, although I was so nervous I probably had stains on my shirt from how much I was sweating. "Oh, hey Ray, I was looking for you. Where's Michael at?" He asked in a creepy voice. "U-Uh he's out getting apples, we're going to help him. Bye!" Gavin said, grabbing my wrist and running towards Ryan's house. He tried opening the door, but it was blocked. "Michael!" He screamed, the blocks being knocked down after a second, both of us being dragged in. "You guys ready?" Michael asked, both of us nodding our heads.

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