TDMC: Chapter 2

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OK, before I start writing I am going to inform you that this is a dream; that is why it is in italic. Got it? Happy reading, feel free to offer any comments on where you think the story should go and any recommendations for creepy songs!!! It's fun making the girl act so creepy!!!
Thank you and happy reading. ^.^
~Sheep Grl



Chapter 2:

"Hello? Are you there?" the little girl skipped through a silent corridor; the pallid wooden walls morphing around her. Every time, it seemed, that she ventured through the house, she'd turn around and the layout changed. But it was her dream, and it didn't bother her. Such illogical things made sense in dreams.

Her dress spun around her small body as she quickly turned around the corners. She would run and run until she found the man she searched for. She was feverish with the promise of having someone to play with, and she couldn't wait any longer.

"I want to play!" she cried, "Why wont you come out and play with me?"

She stood still, hoping that she would be able to hear him move in the silence. "You can't hide forever..I'm good at hide-and-seek. I will find you..."  her giggling echoed, and for a moment it was as if there were more than one of her stalking through the halls.

When no sound was heard other than her own light breathing, she continued to skip around the unknown corridors. She ceased her joyful skip as she reached a corridor, lined with doors for as far as she could see.

She knew she would find him here somewhere.

"I'm going to find you!"

She ran past every door, quickly shooting her arm out and turning the knobs, then looking behind  the doors to see what was inside. She didn't stop, hoping to find him faster if she continually moved. She only caught random flashes of light between the darkness, too insignificant to be a person. And it was her dream; she just knew.


The man appeared beside her, and the shock made her almost fall over herself. She ceased her running and turned to face him with an exuberant grin. The hairs stood up on the back of her neck as she engulfed his dark aura. She knew there was something not quite right about the man...

She looked up at him, pulling away slightly from the darkness which radiated from him like a poison drifting through the air. "Have you come to give me a dolly?"

He shook his head with a chuckle, like he was laughing at his own personal joke. The girl was confused; it was her dream, she was supposed to understand what he was talking about.

"Would you like to go for a walk?"

Without giving her an answer or receiving one, he started walking. His twisted, pale hands snaked behind his back, stark in contrast to his dark suit.

Also contrasting to the insidious darkness was the girl, spinning and trailed by her baggy white dress. As she spun she muttered strange tales; staring into the chandelier above her. After what seems like hours of silent spinning, the girl ceased movement; her thoughts dizzy.

"Are you going to play with me or not?" she finally asked, growing tired of her own company. But most importantly, she detested being ignored. The man stayed silent with his malevolent grin. She began to waltz with the darkness as it encapsulated her childish features. Half her face concealed in black, she began to sing in a high pitch.

"Dance with me?" she offered her small, delicate hand through the darkness.

"No." he stated bluntly.

Then the dark halls fizzed to the ground around her, and she gasped in surprise at how quickly the world melted away around her. The two appeared in the a basement, water trickling from the roof, seeming so far up you couldn't see it. The girl rubbed her bare arms, so sickly thin that the cold ran straight to her bones. Goose-bumps rose across her pale skin.

It was no longer the girls dream.

She took a cautious step forward, towards a wall covered with shelves with dolls sitting tightly pressed together.The gorgeous masterpieces sat in rows, smiling so widely she was sure their faces must ache. Their eyes screamed that they were in the worst kind of agony.

The kind of pain you had no power over...

"They scare me. Please make them go away..." closing her delicate pink eyelids, she hugged the mans firm torso.

"Why? The dolls are so pretty..." he trailed off, staring deeply into the their painted eyes. "Take a look at them, they wont hurt you."  A taunting smile dimpled his rosy cheeks.

Like a butterfly fluttering its wings, ever so gently the girl opened her eyes to the darkness.

On the shelve in front of her sat herself...

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