Chapter 8

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Ashton's P.O.V.

I'm packing a few clothes for a trip that I'm going on with Luke. In his meeting about his tour, he said that he is going to Melbourne and that he can take one friend, which is me. He wants to take me.

Calum is jealous because he isn't going, but Luke said that he has been with him his whole tour in America and that he wants to spend time with me.

As I finished packing I made my way downstairs with my bags. Every one else is downstairs eating and getting ready to say goodbye.

I grabbed a plate and put some pancakes on it. I sat next to Emily and ate. 

We all ate quietly. Just eating our pancakes and drinking, water or juice.

As soon as every one finished, Luke and I said our goodbyes. I wanted to say goodbye to Emily last, so I went to Michael and Luke went to Emily. Then I went to Calum and he went to Michael. Lastly, Luke went to Calum, and I went to Emily.

"I'm going to miss you, Em." I told her, hugging her tight.

"I'm going to miss you too, babe. We barley hung out since I got back, but for sure when you get back, we'll go on tons of dates."

I chuckled, "of course we will." I said giving her a long kiss.

We stopped and pulled away when someone cleared their throat.


"Get a room people"

I rolled my eyes and gave her one last kiss.

After we said out goodbyes, Luke and I went to his car, put our bags in the trunk and sat inside. He started the car, we waved to them, then Luke backed up the car and we headed towards where we have to meet his manager and the other people that are apart of this.

I'm so excited, I've never done anything like this.

 I haven't been to Melbourne since I was 6. My mom moved there with my two siblings and her new husband for about 7 years now. She thought I wasn't going to do anything with my life so she just left me here. I wasn't going to move with them anyways but it hurts because I haven't seen them for a long time.

They never called, left messages, asked how I was doing. They missed my graduation, many of my birthdays. My siblings barely know me, I really wish I can see them again.

"Ash, you ok?" Luke asked.

"Yea, I'm fine. Just thinking."

"About your family?"

"Yea." I said and stayed quiet.

"I'm sorry."

"Its fine. Lets just forget about it, lets talk about something else, like your concert for tonight." I said trying to change the subject.

Luke nodded.

Through the whole ride there, we talked about his concert.

When we made it to the destnation, Luke parked his car somewhre were no one will try and steal it.

After Melbourne concert, they are going to try and have Luke do more concerts around Australia. At least 8 of them.

Soon we got on the tour bus and made our way to Melbourne. Luke and I fell asleep in the beds that are in the bus.


"Ash, wake up." I heard Luke say, also nudging me to wake up.

"We're here."

I managed to wake up, and get out of bed. I go to the bathroom and wash my face so I don't look so dead.

We got out of the tour bus and walked inside the arena. It was huge.

When we entered, from a distance, we can hear lots of screaming.

We made it backstage, Luke getting his guitar ready, looking at his setlist and practicing each song once.

Soon it was time for him to get on stage and sing.

The first song was, Don't Stop. Until the list continues on and on.

Finally, it came to an end, he was finishing the last two songs.

Both that I never heard of, one was called Close To Strangers, and the last one was something called, Jet Black Heart.

Such beautiful songs.

Luke finally finished the last song and made his way backstage.

"That was amazing, Lukey." I told him.

"Thanks Ash, I'm glad you liked it and that you are having a good time. By the way, there's this party, its some famius person that is throwing a party around here, forgot who it was, but do you wanna go?"

"I love parties, definitely." I said excitedly. I've never been to a famous person party.

We got out of the arena, there was a limo waiting for us. We got in and they drove us to wherever this party was at.

We arrived at the party, there were so many people here, I'd doubt that we would have room to walk. But we manged to do it.

We were going to say hi to the one who hosted the party, but we couldn't find him. But we found tons of celebrity.

Katy Perry for starters, I am a huge fan of hers and I got to hug her and talk to her for a few minutes.

"Here you go." I heard someone say behind me. It was some random dude handing me a drink.

I took it and took small gulps of it. I made a sour face since it was really strong.

I made my way towards Luke, "Lukey this is the best party I've ever been too. Thanks for inviting me." I said a little tipsy.

"Glad you're having fun." He said.

Through out songs, Luke and I danced weirdly because we were drunk, but it doesn't matter as long as we havr fun then its ok. I missed him so much, messing around all the time, having great talks. I know I keep saying this but I am so thankful that he gave me another chance.

"Ash, what are you doing?"

He asked, but I was too focused looking at him, admiring everything about him, that I didn't pay attention to what he said or whag I was doing.

But for sure the next thing I knew is that I leaned towrds his face. My lips close to his, our warm breathing hitting each others face. I paused for a moment, until I fully leaned and carshed my lips onto his.

I kissed him, about to pull away when he didn't do anything, but he stopped me with his hand going to my back and pushing me towardd him.

We were making out, not in a sexual way, it was slow and it felt amazing. This is the second time we kissed and it felt as amazing as the first time, maybe even better.

Soon we pulled away and just stared into each others eyes.



"That was amazing."

"I know."

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