Chapter 3

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I woke up to my phone buzzing, I looked at the message that I recieved. It was from my boss,

Hey Ashton, you don't have to come to work today, there is a new employee joining today. See yoi tomorrow.


I put my phone down and got up from the couch. I looked around the room and saw that nobody was here.

They must be in the kitchen. I got up from the bed and headed towards the kitchen.

Once I was about to go in, I was greeted with a slap across my face.

"What the hell?" I yelled glaring at Calum.

"That's for making Luke sleep on the floor." He glared back.

I looked at Luke for help.

"Actually Calum, I let him sleep on the couch." Luke said.

"Oh. Well sorry not sorry." Calum smirked.

I pouted, rolling my eyes.

When Calum walked away, I walked more in the kitchen, but again I had another slap across my face. On the same spot!

"What the hell was that for, Michael." I angrily said, rubbing my cheek that was throbbing really hard.

"That's for eating my goldfish you bitch!" He growled.

I scoffed, "Seriously!?"

I winced when I felt something really cold against my cheek. I turned and saw Luke holding an ice pack against my cheek.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you!" He said worried.

"It's ok Luke" I told him, "and thanks." I smiled.

He nodded and just kept staring at me. I looked away then back at him a few times, until I cleared my throat awkwardly and moved away from him, missing the frown on his face.

"So uh, I don't need to work today, but Michael can you please drop me off at the mall, I still need to get my car." I told Michael.

He nodded, "Can we do it later though? I really wanted all of us to hang out again." He begged.

I rolled my eyes but agreed. I swear, just cause Luke is here, he acts like we never hang out.

"Can we at least go to my house first so I can change" more demanding.

"Ugh fine!" He groaned.

I put the ice pack down, hearing Luke gasp.

I looked at him questionly, "You ok?" I asked.

"Yea, it's just you now have a bruise on your cheek" He said worriedly.

I just shrugged it off. But winced when Michael poked it.

I glared at him, seeing him smirk. I flicked him off and he pretented to be heartbroken.

"Would you guys quit it, you're acting like an old couple." Calum groaned.

I let out a small chuckle when Michael mocked him.

Michael grabbed his keys and we follwed him outside to his car. This time, Calum sat in the back with Luke, and I sat in the front with Michael.

Its not that I didn't want to sit with Luke, Calum went to sit with him, but I still feel weird around Luke. It looks like he still has feelings for me, so I really need to find a way to keep anything from happening. If that means spending less time with Luke, then I will have too, even though it will hurt us both at the end.

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