Chapter 17

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Ashton's P.O.V

A few hours after Luke finished his concert, we were at his and Calum's hotel room. Calum left to give us some privacy. Its getting late and I still need to find a place to stay that's cheap, but my main focus is on my boyfriend. Boyfriend. I can never stop saying or thinking about that word, even though its been a few hours, every time I think about it, it brings a smile to my face.

My thoughts went away as soon as I saw Luke walking back with some food for us. We ate quietly for a few minutes, not really looking at each other, but it was a comfortable silence, at least for me it was. I hope Luke felt the same.

"So.." I said breaking the silence, making Luke look up from his food to me.

"Sorry." Luke said, blushing lightly.

"Its cool." I told him.

"Hey Ash, what about Emily?"

"We broke up yesterday, she understood why and she is happy that I'm going to be with you."


"Really" I smiled at him.

"Where will you be staying?"

"I don't know, I haven't found a place yet."

"But its getting late and you have no car. I think its best if you sleep here with us."

"But there is no couch or other bed for me too sleep on." I pouted.

Luke rolled his eyes, "No Ash, you can sleep with me."


"Dude we've slept on the same bed before many times, what now cuz we are boyfriends we can't sleep in the same bed."

"Woah, woah, woah." I said, putting my hands up in the air. "Did you just call me dude, I'm quite offended." I put my hand to my heart and acted hurt.

"Poor baby, do you want a hug?" Luke said in a baby voice.

I just glared at him, and he just gave me a huge grin.

"You're lucky I like you." I told him.

"I know." He replied.

We continued to talk and joke around until Calum came back.

"Guys." He said as soon as he walked in.

"What's up." Luke said.

"You have to tell your fans by a video or something about you too being a thing. Its all over the news, twitter and they are asking questions."

"Alright, we will tomorrow, I'll make a video with Ashton in it."

"Ok, well I'm going to bed, its getting late and I'm tired." Calum said, yawning.

"Yea, met too. You coming Ash?" He said looking at me. I just nodded since I'm getting pretty tired myself.

Calum was in the bathroom getting ready for bed, Luke waiting for him to finish. I just threw the trash away, then got into my pj's. I laid in the bed that Luke told me he sleeps on.

Soon, I started to fall asleep but I felt the bed dip next to me.

"Night Lukey." I told him half asleep.

"Night Ash." He said, kissing my cheek.

Soon all of us soon had fallen asleep.


"Ash, wake up!" I heard someone say.

I was tired to open my eyes, "5 more minutes." I groaned.

"Ash, its 1 in the afternoon, we gotta make the video before my concert, and I have to be there by 5."

"Lukeyyyyyy." I whined tiredly.

I heard him sigh and get up from the bed. I smirked knowing I always get my way. I kept laying there trying to go back to sleep when I felt something hit my head, it was soft, it must be a pillow. It kept hitting my head and Luke kept repeating "Wake up" multiple times.

"I'm up!" I yelled, glaring at him when I sat up.

But I couldn't stay mad at him, especially when he gave me a kiss on the cheek.

"You're lucky I cant stay mad at you."

"Duh." He said in a smart tone.

I rolled my eyes and went to the bathroom to brush my teeth and after that, make the video so that maybe I could go back to sleep.

I went to grab a bottle of water as Luke went to grab the computer. He was already sitting down with the video camera on waiting for me.

He started talking the video and when I came, he pulled me to his lap and said, "Guys, this is my girlfriend Ashton." He joked.

I glared at him when he called me his girlfriend.

"Just kidding, he my boyfriend since last night as many of you that went to my concert and saw, also from videos that were posted on the internet."

"Yea, we've been bestfriends for a long long time. But now we are together at last." I said quite awkwardly.

"What should be our ship name?" Luke asked.

We thought for a moment, but then I remembered my conversation with Michael a while ago and how he said something about Luke and my ship name before Luke and I even started dating. I think was something like Lashton. I kept repeating the name till it finally clicked and it was that one.

"Lashton!" I said.


"Yea, Michael and I were talking a while ago and he was talking about us and said something about Lashton."

"I like it. Lashton it is. So guys Lashton is officially alive! I hope you love him as much as I do, and I'll see a lot of you tonight! Love you all." He said then threw a kiss for the video that's for the fans.

I just awkwardly waved and half smiled at the camera. After that, he stopped the recording and uploaded it to twitter, and Instagram.

Soon his and my phone started blowing up with notifications, how the hell did they get my twitter and Instagram account that fast. I looked at some and people we really happy and supporting us, Lashton was number 1 trending already, 'holy crap' I thought.

"Your fans are fast." I told Luke.

"He nodded, but the most important thing is that they are happy and supportive for us." He smiled.

I smiled back t him and gave him a long two minute kiss which he gladly excepted.

I'm so glad that he came back and gave me another chance. This would have never happened if he hadn't given me the chance.

All the letters I wrote to him, even though he would have never seen it, the song I wrote was Everything I Didn't Say, but that doesn't matter now since he is here with me and we are together and hopefully will be for a very long time.

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