Chapter 1

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This is it. My first day on the job! I am beyond excited. I can't even believe I landed this part. I thought I bombed the audition. But I guess I was what they wanted. I had a good feeling about this show. And the fact that I would be playing a lead character made it all worth while. I needed this job. More than anyone will know.

"Kaitlin? We need you for hair and makeup!!" the director shouted.

I made my way to the hair and makeup trailer and sat down in the chair that read 'Violet'.

"Hey sweetie, here is your script, and some coffee. Now relax and I'll take care of you." A nice looking women with long acrylic nails came up behind me and started playing with my hair.

"So are you excited? Big first day!! I think you are exactly the type of person to get this part! How old are you anyway?" She asked while straightening my hair.

"19, and yes, I'm very excited. I haven't met anyone else in the cast yet though. I just sorta showed up. I didn't review anything." I gushed.

"Wow! So young! I think you'll do great. Now, your wardrobe is in that room, I want you to change and the director wants you ready and on the porch ready for your first scene, ok?" She asked fixing my hair a little. I gave her a little nod and went to dress.


I adjusted my hat and made my way to the porch.

"Hey sweetie, you ready?" Said a light voice. I turned to see a women with long curly dark blonde hair. She smiled at me as a dark haired man joined us on the porch.

"Hi, I'll be playing Ben, and this young lady is Connie, she'll be playing Vivian. But you probably already knew that." He stated.

I nodded. I didn't really. Like I said I hadn't really read up on this show. I just got a call and went down and auditioned.

"Quite on set! An action!"


"Alright, now Kaitlin this is your scene with Tate, now go up to the bathroom and get ready." The director told me.

I ran up the steps and placed myself in the mirror.

"Hey I'm Evan Peters I'll be playing-" his voice dropped and my head shot straight up, and looked into those brown eyes that made my knees go weak once. Covered by blonde shaggy hair that I had ran my fingers through so many times. And suddenly felt the need to throw up.

I pushed past him and ran down the steps.

"Kaitlin where are you going we need you upstairs!" shouted the director.

I didn't care, I needed air. I had done so well forgetting him these last 3 years. He left me with so many scars. And one other thing that can't fade as the scars can.

I needed to get out of here, but I needed this job. Of course something like this would happen to me.

I turn around. Gather my breathe. And head back up the stairs.

"Kaitlin there you are!" said a very relived director.

I didn't look up, but I could tell he was staring at me.


* ok, I hope you like this chapter. I will take any noted you can give. I really hope you like it. Comments are welcome. And so are rates!! Thank you :)*

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