Chapter 10??

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These past weeks have been crazy. With work and Hunter, but Friday came faster than I was ready for. I hadn't even told Hannah about it, or how Evan barged right in and we almost revisited the past, right on the couch....

Now I was scrambling to get ready, throwing shoes everywhere, trying to do my makeup at the same time. Ugh, I need better management skills. It was already 7:30pm and I needed to make sure Hunter was settled down and fed. I am quite possibly the worst mother ever!

I slipped on my black pumps with the red lining, I ran to the living room to check on Hunter, he was sitting playing with his toys. Smile plastered on his little face.

"Hey gir- Whoa! Hello hot momma! What's the occasion?" Hannah asked.

"Ummmm, Evan kinda asked me on a date...." I blurted.

"And your gonna go?" She asked in disbelief.

"That was kinda the plan. Don't be mad! Could you watch Hunter while I'm out?" I begged.

"Girl I really don't think this is such a good idea....but ok. Only because you look amazing and I don't ant you to waste it. It's not everyday we see you dressed in anything other than jeans and a hoodie!" she bragged.

I Rolled my eyes. Just then the doorbell rang.

I opened it to see a bouquet of flowers covering Evans face, he peeked out.

"Wow! Boy do I feel underdressed!" Evan bugged. His eyes roaming over my black dress with lace trimming the bottom the ended a few inches above my knee.

"Haha! Thank you, these are beautiful." I thanked him and took the flowers and handed them to Hannah.

"Ready?" He asked.

I nodded and took his arm.

"Have fun you two, and use protection, we don't need any more Hunters!" Hannah shouted out the door after us.

I blushed looking down.

"I don't know..I think he turned out rather cute." Evan said.

"Yeah well I don't exactly want another right now." I said.

"But you do want more?" he asked looking at me. We got to the car.

"Yeah...Just not right now." I admitted. Oh god I hope he doesn't think that was an invite or anything. Its our first date. I don't even know if we'll work out this time.

He opened the door for me and walked around to his side.

"Where are we going again?" I asked.

"Its a surprise!" He replied, eyebrows raised.

I buckled up. Knowing Evan it would wind up being something cheesy yet romantic. Like his Prom invite... God that was hilarious. I can still picture that monkey suit.

"So..Did you opt. for underwear?" Evan asked abruptly.

"EVAN!" I shouted.

"What?! I did say it was optional. And that dress looks amazing on you!" He put his hand on my knee.

"Well, for your information, I did." That's a lie. I wanted to tease him for a bit. For my benefit.

" No you didn't! I know you to well, and..." he ran his hand up my thigh through my dress, "No panty line." He teased.

I was blushing hard, I should've known... Evan is very daring, he would test my lie.

"So, is there a reason you aren't wearing any?" He asked.

"No, Just.... doesn't go with the dress." Not entirely a lie.

"That may be true but is there any other reason?" He pushed.

"Maybe...we will just see how the night goes." I hinted.

"Well In that case...we are here." He pulled up to a big building with fairy lights hanging. The old stone building looked abandoned.

Evan opened my door and helped me out.

"What is this place?" I asked.

"Just wait. Its worth it, I promise." He said. He put his hands over my eyes. "Wha?! Evan! Do NOT let me fall!" I threatened.

"Relax, I've always been there to catch you." he reminded. My chest tightened at his words, so simple but held so much meaning.

He wasn't there the one time I needed him to catch me. When I fell for him and he left.

I was led up some steps and through the main door.

"Ok, ready?" he asked. I nodded.

He took his hands away to reveal a dim light room, candles, lights, and soft music. In the middle was a single table with two chairs and a waiter off to the side. I gasped.

"Oh Evan! You did all this?" I asked.

"I wanted it to be special." He said.

We sat down at the table and the waiter took our drink order. And rushed off.

"So, you like?" He asked.

"I love! Evan this is so sweet! I cant believe you did this." I told him.

"Well, I wanted to make it up to you. All the stuff I put you through when I left. I know I really hurt you. And I'm sorry. I wish that I could take it back. Stay with you, and be there for you and Hunter. See him grow. And be apart of his life. But I messed up, and I'm sorry." He finished.

I caressed his cheek, "Oh Evan, You didn't know, and while I was torn apart when you left, I got through it. Would it have been easier if you stayed, of course. But like I said, you didn't know. I didn't at the time. What's done is done. I forgive you." I said.

He took my hand in his and rubbed his thumb over my hand. Looking into my eyes, and smiling.

The waiter brought the drinks and them brought out 2 plates, with predetermined food. It smelled amazing. And must be expensive considering I couldn't even pronounce it!

We ate in silence. Occasionally smiling at each other. It was peaceful, and normal. Nights when he would cook for me, I would be to preoccupied eating, the first time I ate infront of him he said he liked that I wasn't a girl about eating. If I wanted a burger I would eat it! A statement still true.

After we finished the waiter brought out a plate of chocolate covered strawberries. I could see where this was going....

He held the first one up to my lips, I bit a piece off. Chewing slowly, looking at him.

I fed him one and he did the same. I then took one and threw it at him, he caught it and laughed.

Once we had thrown and or eaten all the strawberries we left.

"That was fun." I said honestly.

"Oh! Its not over! I still have one more surprise." He said, peaking my interest. I sat back and let him drive.  

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