Chapter 12

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I rolled over reaching for Evan only to find his side empty. I shot up and looked around.

"Evan?" I called.

No answer.

I crawled groggily out of bed. Where could he have gone?

I pulled on my dress from last night. Cleaned up my face and tried to fix my messy bed head.

Breakfast! Of course! He probably went to get breakfast.

I say and waited, flipping through channels.

About 30 minutes later Evan walked in holding a brown Hardee's bag.

"Hey you're up!" He said. Walking over to the bed.

"Monster biscuit still your favorite?" He asked.

The smell made my stomach rumble.

"I'm gonna take that as a yes." He laughed.

He handed me a biscuit and sat at the foot of the bed.

We ate in silence.

Once finished we tossed the wrappers in the bag and threw it away.

"Well, I guess I should get you back to Hunter." He said, a little sad.

"Yeah." I agreed. I could only imagine the crap Hannah was gonna give me when i got home. I was afraid to check my phone.

We got in the car and headed home.


Once I got home the house seemed boring. But Hunter zoomed down the hall and into my arms. Evan laughed behind me.

Hannah came storming out.

Oh crap.

"So, have fun?" She asked, in that voice. You know, the one that your mom would give you in public when she didn't want to yell.

Yeah...that one.

"Yeah! It was so romantic! And sorry for getting hung up. It was late and I didn't feel safe with Evan driving so tired." I explained.

Her face softened. Knowing we didn't do anything.

"Well good. Bye Evan." She waved him off.

"I'll see you Monday!" I told him.

He leaned in and kissed me really quick.

I closed the door behind him, and turned to face Hannah.

"Sooooo...." I began.

"So...did you????" She asked.

"No!!! No! I wouldn't dare!" I rushed.

"Just making sure!" She joked.

The rest of the day went on pretty normal. Hunter played, I made lunch.

Evan and I text back and forth the rest of the weekend. It was nice.

Come Monday I was ready to get back to work. Part of it was I wanted to see Evan.

We got up early and I got Hunter ready for daycare. He was ready to go, I was so happy he was excited. But I still didn't like leaving him with other people all day. I like to drive by on my lunch break.

I took him and signed him in. He gave me a quick hug an ran toward a group of boys playing with some toys.

Making sure he was ok I went to work.

Checking my hair I grabbed my stuff and got out of the car. Evan was leaning nonchalantly against his car across the lot watching me.

It made my cheeks grow red. Remembering our extended date.

He walked over to my car and took my hand. He walked me to my trailer before going to his own.

I smiled as be walked away. Sitting in a daze on my couch I ran through my lines a few more times. I didn't really look through them this weekend but the season was ending soon which I was pretty sad about considering I don't know if I'll have a job next season.

I pushed the thought away when we were called to set.


The day was wrapping up early so I went to pick up Hunter.

"Hey wait!" Evan shouted.

I turned to see him jogging to the car.

"You wanna get something to drink?" He asked.

"I don't know. I was gonna go pick up Hunter early." I told him.

"Well we can get him an bring him with us can't we?" He asked.

I thought for a moment....

"Sure why not. Follow me." I said.

We got in our cars and he followed me to pick up Hunter.

When I got there I signed him out and he ran to me. Still as happy as can be.

"Hey! We are gonna go with Evan and hang out for a little. That sound fun?" I asked.

"Can I get a toy?" He asked.

"Yes. I'll take you to get a toy afterwards." I told him.

"Then yes! But I want to pick it out!" He protested.

"Ok. Pinky promise!" I held out my pinky and he took it.

I picked him up and strapped him into the car.


This time I followed Evan to this little coffee house near a park. It was small and not very busy. It looked like wear I used to work when I was pregnant with Hunter.

I ordered a frappé and a small sprite for Hunter. God knows if I give him to much sugar he won't sleep well tonight.

We took our drinks and headed to the park.

As I was walking with Hunters hand in mine, he reached for Evans open hand and held it.

Evan looked at him in shock. And so did I.

"What?" He asked.

"Nothing sweetie." I said

"Yeah nothing big guy." Evan assured.

Evan shot me a smile. I could tell Hunter holding his hand made him feel good. I'm not sure how I felt, I should be happy but at the same time I felt like it shouldn't be that easy for him...he should have to earn Hunters trust. But in a way I guess he had.

We continued to walk to the park. Me and Evan walked with Hunter as he played in the park. Keeping an eye on him, making sure he didn't run off.

"Oh he is so adorable! You two make a cute kid." I looked to see a youngish looking woman. With a baby in her arm. And a 5 year old holding her hand.

"Oh thanks!" I said.

"How long have you two been together?" She asked.

" were. But um." I began.

"I was dumb, and now we aren't." Evan jumped in.

She made an understanding face and said goodbye.

That was akward!

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