Chapter 3

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My P.O.V


I awoke to giggles and the sound of tiny feet running down the hall followed by heavier footsteps.

"Shh, Hunter don't be so loud mommy is sleeping." said Hannah.

I rolled out of bed. I should be up before her. What is wrong with me lately?!

I opened the door and made my way to the kitchen.

"Hey sweetie! You want me to make you some waffles?" I asked hunter.

He nodded and climbed onto his special seat at the table.

I heated up the waffle iron and started mixing the batter.

I added some chocolate chip pieces. I know he loves them. Sugar this early probably isn't the best idea but I figured he deserved it. He's had a rough couple months with me being jobless. we all had. Which is why I can't quit this job! I have to stick through it. For Hunter.


After cleaning up and sending Hunter off to go play, I started getting ready for work.

"Hey Hannah! Can you come here real quick?" I yelled.

Hannah walked into the room.

"What's up?" she asked.

"I was thinking of all of us going out to lunch this afternoon? Sound good?" I asked.

"Sure! Me and hunter could show up early and-" she started.

"No! You can't!" I shouted.

"Why? What's wrong? You've Been acting a little weird. Did something happen at work?" she questioned.

" Ok, come here I need to tell you something." I stated, pulling her further into the room.

She looked at me expectantly.

"Evan is my costar..." I blurted.

Her eyes widened and a scowl replaced the shocked expression.

"Now I'm for sure coming down there! I didn't get the chance to punch his face in before the weasel left the last time!" she raged.

"You cant! He doesn't know about Hunter! An I want to keep it that way! If he finds out he could flip! And I can't handle that right now!" I explained.

"Look, if he doesn't ask, we don't have to tell. And besides we'll be there for two second then off to lunch." she rationalized.

I nodded and she left to let me get ready.

I couldn't help but feel that something was going to go wrong.


I took a deep breath and opened the car door.

No sign of him. Good.

I made my way to my trailer. That felt so weird to think about, I had a trailer!

I opened up the door and screamed.

He was sitting on the couch looking at a magazine.

"What are you doing here?!" I demanded.

"Just looking around. So I figured out why you pushed me away yesterday." he stated.

"Besides the fact that I hate your guts, why?" I challenged.

"You have another guy! So come on, who is he? Is he as good looking as me? Probably not." he bragged.

"You're right, there is. And he isn't as good looking, he better. And he has my whole heart. no matter what." I confess, a small smile crept on my face. Remembering the little bundle of joy I had waiting for me at home.

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