Chapter 11

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The ride took forever. I was jumping with curiosity. We had past a few familiar signs. But after a while it all kinda blended together.

We finally pulled up to a park? Why are we at a park?

"You don't remember?" He asks, noticing my confusion.

"Come on, I'll jog your memory." He says getting out to open my door.

He takes me over to the swing set, its dark but the streetlights illuminate it.

I kick of my shoes, and sit on the swing, running my toes into the sand. Slightly swinging.

"Do you remember yet?" He asked.

"No! But I know that I should." I complain.

He came and knelt in front of me. Took my face between his hands and kissed me. A slow sweet kiss that I didn't want to end.

"This is where we first met. You were with your friends, I was with mine. I noticed you smiling and laughing and knew, I couldn't leave this park without knowing your name." He reminded.

Memories of that day flooded back, like a wave of emotion that wouldn't stop. I remember going home that day thinking, this boy is gonna break my heart.

Boy was I right.

"I remember, I also remember you were a cocky little bastard too!" I reminded.

He looked down, "Well, I needed to pull out all the stops if I was gonna impress you!" He said.

"Oh please, you knew the second you said Hi it was all over for me." I told him.

"Well dang, looks like I wasted all my charm that day." He joked.

"But seriously, this is so sweet. I cant believe you remembered!" I said in disbelief.

"Yeah, well I did." He shrugged.

The rest of the night we talked, reminisced over past memories.  Some good, some bad.

It was almost 1 when I began yawning.

"Oh, yeah, let me take you home." He offered.

"Its pretty late, I don't think you should be driving this late at night." I warned.

"You're probably right. You wanna just crash at a hotel? No funny business I swear." He held up scouts honor.

"Yeah, I'm sure. Just let me text Hannah so she doesn't worry." I pulled out my phone and shot her a text.

I collected my shoes and walked back to the car. He opened the dor for me and went over to his side.

We found a hotel quickly and rushed to our room. Double beds, like I asked.

"Evan, turn around please." I told him.

"Why?" He asked.

"Because I cant very well sleep in this tight dress. Ill just strip really quick and get under the covers." I explained.

"You don't have to do that. Ill just give you my under shirt to sleep in." he suggested. Peeling off layers to reveal a chest I've missed for years. He wasn't buff, or muscular. But he was comfy. I longed to lay on his chest and fall asleep to the beating of his steady heart.

He threw the shirt at me and I went to change. I slipped it on and crawled to my bed.

I tossed and turned, never able to get comfortable. What is with me. I sleep in my bed alone all the time. Ever since Hunter started sleeping in his room.

"Hey, come on." Evan spoke.

"What?" I asked.

He lifted up his covers. "Come get into bed with me. Its obvious you cant sleep." He said.

I thought about it before crawling from my bed into his warm open blanket, I snuggled up to his warm chest. Laying my head on it.

"Goodnight." I mumbled.

He stroked my hair. "Goodnight babe." he mumbled back. A smile formed on my face. Once again listening as his beating heart lulled me to sleep.


*I know its short but you guys love it so much I had to update! Thanks again guys, so much love to all my Evan Peters fans!*

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