Chapter 8

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The next day I arrived at work, a smile forming as soon as I saw Evans car. Dammit. No!

I mentally scolded myself for smiling at the thought of him. I grabbed my things and got out. Making my way to my trailer. I checked every room to make sure Evan wasn't there. Then locked the door to change in peace.

Not long after, my makeup and hair women showed up. She asked me how I was, and we just talked a little. Violet didn't really wear makeup, so I didn't need a whole lot. Just some base and nude lipstick.

"We need you on set." shouted someone through the door.

"That's weird I thought we didn't have to go on for another 10 minutes." I stated.

I walked outside only to be pulled to the side by a pair of strong arms.

"Evan! You jerk! I almost punched you!" I shouted.

"Haha! Sorry babe. Didn't mean to scare you." he apoligized.

"It's cool, now come on they need us on set." I said.

"No they don't, that was me. I wanted you to myself for a few minutes." He hugged me.

"You are so bad!" I tapped him.

"I know." He said sheepishly.

A grin spread across his face, "So, still reeling from last night?" he asked cockily.

"Yeah, sure!" I teased.

"Oh come on, you know you loved it!" he said.

"Shut up!" I defended.

"Don't forget, I'll be picking you up. And uh, remember what I said about underwear." he winked. He kissed me on the cheek and turned to leave.

A stupid smile spread across my face. As I touched my tingling cheek.

Stupid tingles.

I shook it off and made my way to the set.

"QUIET ON SET!" The director shouted.


"Guys I'm home!" I shouted.

"Mommy!" I heard Hunter shout.

"Where's my baby?" I shouted back.

"I am not a baby!" he whined.

"Ok fine, where's my big boy?" I corrected.

"Yay!" He giggled and came running toward me.

I picked him up an swing him.

"Goodness you are so big now!" I joked.

"I am not fat!" he protested.

"Haha! No, you're not." I set him down.

"Hey girl!" Hannah said coming into view.

"Hey, hey, hey!" I said back.

"How was work?" she asked.

"Good! Busy." I told her.

"Well don't forget, Hunter is starting daycare tomorrow! And I have a job interview." She reminded.

"I know! Don't worry!" I assured.

She nodded and walked off.

"Come on buddy, I'm gonna get started on dinner, how about chicken fingers, and macncheese?" I asked.

"Yum! Let's go!" He charged to the kitchen.

Haha! Oh that boy.


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