Chapter 7

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I sat there quietly for what seemed like forever. Not knowing what to say.

He was still in love with me?

I could feel his eyes burning a hole in my head. Waiting for me to say something.

But what could I say? Here he his, confessing his love for me and I was sitting here like an idiot.

"Well...aren't you gonna say anything?" Evan asked.

I looked up, and I to his dark pleading eyes.

"I....Evan." was all I could say.

"I get it. Whatever." He snapped. Throwing money on the table and storming out.

I continued to sit there. Unmoving.

What did I just do! I thought we were finally going to be able to talk. And he throws this at me!

It's not fair! Does he think I do t feel the same way?! Because of course I do! I'll always love him. but for Hunters sake I can't allow myself to let things go back to the way they were.

I grab my stuff and then I realized that I drove with Evan and now I have to walk back. That asshole!

I started walking in the direction we came. Its gonna be a long walk.


Finally! I made it back! Sweating and sore. I hate walking.

I looked for Evans car. Missing.

How convenient. I walked to my trailer and plopped down on my couch. Resting for about two seconds before I was called back on set.

We ran through next weeks episode after we finished filming. Then I was able to go home.


Once I got home I began dinner. I figure I'll make Hunter some Mac and cheese with hotdogs.

I'll probably just make a salad or something.

"Hunter! Come on sweetie! Dinners ready and you gotta wash your hands buddy!" I shouted.

I heard his little feet running down the hall. Making me smile.

I set his plate on this table and set his stepping stool by the sink so he can wash hands. Once he did that I let him go eat. Making my dinner I asked him how his day was.

"Fun! Aunt Hannah let me play games on her phone! And then we drew pictures and put them on my wall!" he said excitedly.

"Wow! sounds like you had a fun day! How about when mommy gets her days off, we all can go to....Disney land!" I suggested.

Last minute I know. But I'm making good money, and I have never been! So why not! Its practically in the back yard.

His face got so bright and happy. He practically jumped out of his seat and ran to me.

"Really!" he asked.

I nodded. And he screamed!

"Yay! Yes! Thanks mom! This is so cool! You're the best!" he shouted.

I picked him up.

"Pinky swear?" I asked.

He wrapped his little pinky around mine.

"Kiss?" I asked.

He kissed me on the cheek and I let him go back to playing.

I cleaned up his mess, and managed to scarf down some salad before getting Hunter ready for bed.

"Ok buddy, night night! I love you!" I told him. Kissing him on the forehead.

I got up and turned off the light, leaving the door open a crack. And making sure to leave the hall light on.

I settled on the couch. Script in hand, and some music going softly in the background.

Suddenly there was a knock at the door.

Ugh! Really! No peace.

I got up to open the door.

Upon opening it, all I saw was Evan.

He looked angry. And sad all at the same time.

Before he advanced, grabbed me, and pulled me in for a kiss.

It was raw, angry and so addictive!

Before I knew it, the door was closed and we were on our way to the couch.

We continued to makeout, my hands in his hair. His hands everywhere!

Suddenly, he pulled away.

Leaving my lips empty and cold.

"1 date, that's all I want. Then you can decide." he breathed.

I was still trying to catch my breath.

"Deal." I told him.

"Next Friday. 8:00pm. Where something sexy. Underwear optional." he smirked and got up leaving me to think about what I just agreed to.


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