Chapter 14

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Evan hadn't called or text me all week. Ever since I accepted the job in Rio. To be honest it was a great opportunity, they were paying me a lot! And they even offered to pay to fly Hunter and Hannah over once a month while I'm filming!

I was leaving at the end on the month. Or in this case, Tomorrow.

I was crazy nervous, trying to fill out all this paperwork for hunters daycare so that Hannah can check him in and out. Not to mention I was really upset about saying good by to Hunter.... I can't believe I'm not gonna see him for 2 weeks!

I've almost backed out 3 times but everytime Hunter would convince me he was a big boy and wants me to take the job.

So here I was, 3 o'clock in the morning on the verge of a breakdown, when a tap sounded at my window.

Then another.

I got up and looked out the window.

Evan was standing there with a handful of pebbles.

"Evan! It's a one story house! And we aren't 16 anymore!" I told him.

"Yeah, well this is more romantic." He shrugged climbing in.

"Well Hannah's working and Hunter is asleep." I said.

"Look, I wanted to apologize for being a douche! You have every right to take this job, for you and Hunter." He apologized.

"Thanks Evan. To be honest, I don't want to leave you. I want to see how this could work. But I need to do this." I said.

"Yeah...I know. And I need to do this." He cupped my face and kissed me. I haven't been kissed like this since, well since the night Hunter happened.

"Whoa! Evan! What are you doing?" I asked.

"Isn't that kinda obvious?" He asked.

"Yeah well, last time this happened, that happened!" I said pointing the direction that hunters room was.

"Well this time I brought protection!" He said flashing a row of condoms.

"Wow! That's a lot! You really think you'll use all those?" I asked.

"I know I will." He challenged.

I thought about it, I was a grown adult. I can make my own decisions. And I wanted this.

I kissed him again.


"Well then....looks like you were right." I panted.

"Told ya!" He teased.

He pulled me close to him chest.

"Nah! Nope! To hot! No cuddling!" I told him.

"But I need to cuddle!!" He whined.

"Ugh! Fine!" I caved.

I curled up next to him, and fell asleep.


The next morning I woke up really early. I had to get ready to leave, and I had to get Hunter fed and ready to go with me.

I dressed and went to the kitchen to start food.

"Hey girl!" Hannah piped up, walking into the kitchen.

"Morning!" I yawned.

"You need me to get Hunter up?" She asked.

"Please." I said.

She got up and left.

Suddenly a pair of arms wrapped around me. And a pair of lips kissed my neck.

"Morning!" Evan said.

I smiled, "Morning!"

Hannah came around the corner.

"Whoa! What? Did I miss that much shit!?" She asked.

"Oh god! Nooo!" I groaned.

"'s this gonna work?" She asked.

We hadn't really thought about that...

Hannah stared, shrugged, and walked off.

I turned to Evan,"What are we gonna do?" I asked.

"I don't know..I guess we'll just have to see." He said.

I looked at the clock.

Time to go.


*Sorry it's short. But at least I got it out! Thank you so much for all the votes and reads! I love you guys*

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