The Girl in The Shadows ( Nash grier)

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"Beautiful baby, kiss her goodbye and give her to me" she said " What, what do you mean?" my mother asked confused

I was just born not even 2 minutes old yet "well, she is under my control she has powers that she is unaware of ,she cant control them and im the only one who can help her contain them.

You will see her again, after she has learned how to control her powers I swear, I mean no harm the last thing I want to do is harm a precious baby like her.

Now, name her and hand her over quickly. I don't want her to open her eyes and get a glimpse of you, there is no telling what she would do. Now go on name the child" she answered

" I I cant just hand over my only child! but , ill believe you" my mother sobbed " Tia, ill name her Tia Prescott " she smiled handing me over to her, I never did see my mother never knew what she looked like.

Who is the her my mother spoke to you ask ? Well her name is Mary Bell Winter but since she raised me most of my life I called her Nana Winter. I am now 15 years old and go to school.

How do i remember something from my past so well? Well that's just something the inhuman can do. i didn't believe her at first but seeing all the abilities i have i began to put my trust in her. I have no friends or family just Nana Winter and my dog Treasure , i found Treasure one day and was able to keep her.

I was quiet in school never talked and like I said before I have no friends but I don't mind I wouldn't want to risk having a friend and them knowing what I am or worse, hurting them so I stayed away from them in school.

I was pretty much invisible, the girl in the shadows preferably. I was average height with long jet black curly hair my Nana said when i first opened my eyes one was blue the other red but now im told that the frequently change colors.

I am a caramel brown with one dimple in the left side of my cheek i wear small glasses most of the time. i am a thick girl, not to skinny and not to fat but it doesn't matter anyway since im never noticed.

I always have my head stuck in a book so people don't dare to bother me its kinda a lonely life but that the way things have to be i guess

~Tia P.O.V~

I was standing at my locker getting my books out for my next class. I had to go to French, which quite honestly is my favorite class I shoved my science books into my locker and grab the ones for my French class.

The first bell rung and I was on my way to class. As I walked in and sat at the back of the class alone, as usual with empty seats beside me I overheard the teacher talking about a new student named Nash.

Great another student to avoid . the teacher came in and announced the news to the rest of the class right before the door opened a average height lightly colored boy walked in he had bright blue eyes and giant geeky glasses he had some freckles but not a lot his hair was in a quiff he sat right next to me and flashed a bright smile I gave him one back and continued with my work.

Throughout class I could hear what they call gossip girls talking about the new boy " omg look we got a nerd " " ill gross look at him he so ugly " is all they said throughout the period I thought I was the only one who heard them until I caught a glimpse of Nash slouching in his seat obviously holding back tears.

After French was over I scurried to my lockers so I could go to lunch of course a while later Nash showed up next to me opening the locker beside me his face was a little scratched and he had some bruises on his arm I could tell he was being bullied.

I looked at the scars on his body with wide eyes that probably changed from blue to pink the back as I quickly looked away he tapped my shoulder and I quickly turned around my eyes now changing from blue to green because of the anxiety building up in my chest.

The first time anyone ever attempted to talk to me " hey are these yours?" he smiled holding up lots of makeup accessories I nodded as he handed them to me " you don't talk much do you?" he laughed I shook my head he held out his hand " im Nash what is your name?" he asked.

I gulped what do I say what do I do? "im- Tia, Tia Prescott " I smiled ignoring his hand he blew it off rubbing his hair I ran toward the lunch room darting through the halls I didn't know what to do anymore I walked through the lunchroom with my lunch and a book and headed to the sports field too eat and read in silence.

I pulled out my book " The Great Gilly Hopkins " I took a bite out of my sandwich and started reading until I felt a presence next to me a petite presence hopefully a bunny or a bird i kept reading until i heard a sweet voice " what you reading?' it asked.

I turned around to be face to face with Nash i scooted back quickly my eyes changing from blue to pinkish orange i help up the book pointing to the title and Nash moved in closer " Hey, i thought your eyes were green?" he said examining my eyes i shrugged and he laughed then his happiness began to slowly fade as he started talking again.

" Your the only one here who doesn't judge me or bully me, but i guess its because you don't talk but why don't you talk if you don't mind me asking" he looked up his bright blue eyes glistening because of his glassy eyes I didn't know how to respond " im shy " I simply say.

By now the tears were falling down his cheeks its only been his first day but I could see he was really upset "oh I just moved around here and I heard this was a good school..i had no idea it was full of so many bullies.

You're the only one I can talk to I guess " he said wiping his tears I felt bad my eyes turned to black " look ill see you around ok?" I say leaving rushing out of the place

The Girl in The Shadows ( Nash grier)Where stories live. Discover now