Chapter 21

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A/n: In this chapter I'm going to introduce a new character that is going to be the main character of this books sequel. :3 yep there's gonna be a sequel. Anyway here is the next chapter.

Pic up is Thayer Rotter Portrayed by Gus Drake.


Emery's POV

I was in a forest, trees with dark branches that stretched long, there were crooked dark hollow trees and everything about this place seemed eerie, I could sense something in this dark forest, pure evil.

I realized I was having a vision, but I didn't know where I was. Then I saw a girl, she was very pretty, her long shoulder blade hair was silky black and was disheveled, she stretched her hand towards me as if asking for my help. I tried to reach for her but I couldn't reach her, then I woke up.

My hair was mattered to my forehead from sweat, who was that girl, and why did I have that vision. I picked up my phone immediately to dial Dante, maybe this was connected to Raevan somehow. I found his number and my thumb hovered above the dial button. I stopped remembering how heated conversation last time. I wondered how long he's been in love with Raeven. Did Raevan know? I run my hands through my hair, nows not the time to be thinking about that, I didn't know how to save Raevan, plus those angels are gonna be in the way and a battle is inevitable. I wouldn't stand a chance against them. Then again my vision, was something in that dark forest going to help me. I had to find out, with a loud groan I dialed Dante.

"We need to talk" I said.


"Are you sure it was here" Dante asked.

"It was the woods, this is the only forest outside the city" I said my voice filled with irritation.

"Hey I know we both like the same guy but we don't have to hate each other" Dante said massaging his temple.

"I don't hate you, I just....I just didn't get enough sleep I'm worried about Raevan" I admitted. He was all I could think about.

"Me too, we would save him" Dante said.

"Yeah, your angel friends want him dead" I deadpan.

"Do you sense that" Dante asked motioning me to keep quiet.

I stopped talking and focused on my surroundings, I sensed something, it felt familiar, a familiar energy, it reminded me of my mother.

I suddenly feel my lips moving, I was chanting a spell.

"What spell was that" Dante asked when I finished casting.

"To reveal what is lost" I reply confused as to how I even knew that. There was a slight rumbling sound as a building came into view. It looked like a school. My eyes widened in realisation, the angel academy, or what was left of it. The school was in ruins, the walls were covered with vines and leaves.

"What the hell happened here" I mutter looking around.

"Demons, only demons can cause so much destruction" Dante said. We entered the school gate. There was nothing but wreckage, the school looked like an abandoned ruin.

"What happened to all the students" I asked.

"I dunno much about the academy of angels on earth" Dante said.

"Maybe something can trigger a vision, let's keep looking around" I said.

We walked into a hall room and in the middle of the room was a big crystal, it was cracked and looked rusty, vines and green moss grown all over it.

"That's a rune, back in heaven runes select the classes of angels, I guess they brought one to this academy as well, although this one has lost its powers" Dante said gazing at the crystal. I begin to hear whispering sounds, and the crystal calling to me.

"I sense something coming from it" I said placing my Palm on it. The crystal shook and more cracks appeared on it, it began to light up.

"Shit what did you do Gallagher" Dante gritted.

"Nothing I just touched it" I snapped backing off from the rune, it looked as if it was about to explode.

"It's gonna blow" I yelled jumping. The rune disintegrated revealing a figure that slumped in my arms.

"The girl from my vision" I said, carefully removing the dark hair from her face.

"Not a girl, a guy" Dante said.

"How'd you...." I start to argue before realizing he was butt naked.

"What was he doing in the rune" I asked confused.

"I dunno, I dunno anything anymore, he's angel though I can sense his spirit energy" Dante said taking off his jacket covering the boy.

I took in the boys features, he looked sixteen the most, his skin was soft and pale, his eyebrows thick and groomed, they looked like Raevan's, soft long lashes swept his high cheekbones, he most definitely looked like a girl.

"We'll wait for him to wake up and then we would ask him questions" Dante said. I nodded in agreement.

"He reached out to you" Kieran asked studying the boys unconcious body on Dante's bed.

"Yeah in a vision" I replied.

"He's definitely angel but something is off about his spirit energy" Izzy commented.

"We wouldn't know anything for sure till he wakes up, I suggest right now we should focus on saving Raevan" Dante said.

"We know that sword is made out of dark arts, isn't there anything that can counter it" I asked.

"Angels spirit energy are made to counter any kind of darkness, but for some reason the black sword doesn't get affected" Dante said with slight irritation evident in his voice.

"Well we have to figure something out the longer we wait, the more I worry about what they might be doing to him" I said running my hand through my hair.

"Can't be worse that what they're gonna do to him if they take him to heaven" Dante said sending a glare to Izzy and the twins.

"He's a fucking weapon" Kieran spat.

"He's human" Dante countered. "And I'm starting to think you only want him out of the picture because of your feelings for me". Okay things just got awkward.

Kieran stood there shocked with his jaws open. He let out an incredulous scoff  "Get over yourself Dante I'm so fucking over you".

"Are you....are you really over me" Dante said stepping closer to Kieran. The brown eyed boy clenched his jaw balling his fists.

"Fuck you Dante, let's see you try to stop us from taking genesis" Kieran gritted shoving Dante back and storming out.

"I'll go calm him down" Adrian said running after his twin.

"Boy drama" Izzy said rolling her eyes. I wondered what happened between Kieran and Dante but I had bigger things on my mind. Kieran won't hand over Raevan if we rescued him and Dante and I won't stand a chance against them.

A/n: sorry for the late update, well here you go, Things are not looking so Bueno for Raevan.

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