The Next Day

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Star POV

Chyna woke me up at 7:49 AM, claiming she heard noise in the kitchen.

"Oh God..." I groaned and got up. Then I climbed above me and shook my sister awake.

"Huh..." she said sleepily.

"Roc Royal is standing behind you," I said.

She screamed and jumped up, and Chyna and I laughed so hard we had to lean against eachother to support ourselves.

"Not funny," she said, heaving herself off the floor.

"Well, whatever. Let's just go find out if there really is noise in the kitchen," I said.

Neisha walked normally, I trudged, and Chyna skipped happily, as if she'd just eaten five million M&Ms.

I rolled my eyes, and before I knew it, the floor was all I could see.

Whoever it was giggled nervously, and Chyna and Neisha laughed uncontrollably behind me.

I groaned, stood up, and glared at them. They shut up.

I softened my expression and turned to the figure in front of me.

"Oh," I said, surprised to see Ray Ray. "It's just you."

He smiled, and then he looked at his shoes.

"You're already dressed," I said, as if nobody knew.

"Yeah," he said. "We got up at 7 so we could make breakfast."

"Oh," I said, wondering if they could actually cook. We ventured into the kitchen and I was amazed to find that yes, they could actually cook.

"I throw my hands up in the air sometimes, sayin' ayo, gotta let go," Princeton was singing.

"I throw my skittles in the air sometimes, sayin' ayo, taste the rainbow," Roc replied.

We laughed, and they turned around.

"Oh, hey," Roc said, coming over to give us hugs.

He is so sweet, I thought. He'd be perfect for Neisha.

"Why don't ya'll go get dressed so you can eat," Prod said.

We laughed again. All that boy cares about is food.

"Put on something sexy for me," Princeton joked. He winked at us.

We laughed again, and went to get dressed.

"Did he really mean that?" Chyna asked me, once we were in the safety of the bathroom.

"Maybe, maybe not," I answered, still trying to straighten my hair. I'd put it in a ponytail before I went to bed last night, and I really hated how long it took to brush it flat again.

"Just braid it," Neisha said. She was sitting on the toilet, watching us get ready. Or rather, watching me get ready. Me being a star and all, I took the longest to get ready. Like, double Neisha and Chyna together.

"Okay, are we done?" Neisha asked when I put down my brush.

"Yup," I said. I smoothed my hair one last time and unplugged the flat iron.

"Alrighty then," Chyna said, tugging at the cuffs of her shorts.

Neisha stood up. "Yay, yay, breakfast time!" She said in a singsong voice.

We laughed, then went to find the boys.

Ray Ray was sprawled out on the couch, flipping channels. Princeton, Roc, and Prodigy were crowded around Princeton, who was holding a sleek white iPhone. It looked new. Brand new.

"Who's is that?" I mouthed.

Princeton grinned, then pointed at me.

"Mine?" I mouthed.

They nodded.

"Hmm," I said out loud. Ray Ray looked up. "Hey," he said, and waved.

I waved back. "Can we eat now?"

"Yeah, sure," Princeton said, handing me my phone and getting plates and stuff for us to eat.

"Lemme see lemme see lemme see," Chyna said.

"No," I replied, snatching it away from her.

Neisha grabbed it from me when my guard was down. "What does this thing do, anyway?"

We laughed. She knew what iPhones did, we'd played with one when our parents took us to the Apple store a few months ago.

"Who's it from?" I asked a few minutes later, my mouth full of waffles.

"What, the phone?" Prince replied. His mouth was full of bacon. His, Prod's, AND Roc's.

I laughed when I saw their faces. "Yes, the phone," I said. "What else?"

"Oh," he said. He swallowed. "Keisha."

I smiled. She was so very nice.

"She told us to program it for you, that's why we were playing with it a minute ago."

"Why wasn't Ray Ray with you then? He has an iPhone."

Princeton chewed his eggs, then turned to me. "He was bored, number one. And number two," he said. He stuffed some more eggs into his mouth. "He can't do nothing on that thing but waste his time on Angry Birds."

We cracked up, and Ray Ray whacked him with his slice of bacon.

"Thank you," he said as he snatched it from him. He ate it.

"Hey, that was my last piece," Ray complained.

"Here," Prod said, handing him a slice.

"No thanks. I want to have some of Princeton's bacon."

"He ate it all. That's why he was stealing yours," Prod said. He rubbed at the skin between his nose and his right eye.

Ray Ray rolled his eyes, and we cracked up again.

"Okay, well, I guess we'd better get going. We have tons to do today," Chyna said.

"Oh yeah," Roc said, and the boys started cleaning up.

(The girls were wearing this: Star- Chyna- Neisha-

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