Meeting Unique (part 2)

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Chyna POV

"Star, Neisha, come on, " I demanded.

I was determined to find Prodigy a girl, whatever it took. We went into the cafe together. Prodigy tried to make it look like he didn't know us. Star was busy signing autographs and such, and Neisha was examining the food.

I rolled my eyes. They were so....them.

I spotted somebody that looked suitable. "Prod," I said. I turned around. No Prod.

I pulled Star away from a cluster of fans. "Have you seen Prod?"

She shook my arm off. "No," she said. "Go look for him."

"Can't you help me?"

"Can't you see I'm busy? "

I sighed. "Thanks for being such a great help," I said under my breath. I marched off to find Prodigy.

Prodigy POV

Finally, I thought.

I'd finally managed to sneak away from Chyna. She was really starting to get on my nerves with the whole "find Prodigy a girlfriend" thing. I mean, sure, the others are happy together, but what if I want to be single?

If I said I wanted to be single, that would be a huge lie. But still. I was happy with my life the way it was, and I absolutely did not need her getting into it.

I walked around the garden until I spotted some roses. I knealt over to get a closer look.

Suddenly a shadow fell over me. I looked up. It was a girl.

"Um...hi," I said.

"Hi," she replied.

I looked her over. She was pretty. She had long, dark hair and brown eyes.

"You're Prodigy, right?"

I looked at her. I hadn't known she'd been talking.

"Yeah," I said. "And you are?"

"Umm..." She hesitated. "I'm...Unique."

I can see that, I thought as I took in her features one last time.

"Well, Unique, it's very nice to meet you."

As soon as I said those words, I felt so much more comfortable around her. We ended up talking for hours before Chyna finally found us.

"5 minutes," she said once she'd found us on the beach. "We have to leave soon. Prince texted me."

"Yeah yeah, whatever," I said as she walked away. I looked Unique in the eyes. They were so beautiful. And so dark. They looked milky, and they reminded me of a pool for some reason. Like, if you stare at the water too long, you start to lean kind of, and then you fall in. (I know this all too well, considering the many times I've fallen in pools doing just that.)

"Unique..." I began. She looked at me.

"See, I know we've only just met, but..." She looked hopeful.

"I want you to be my girl."

We stared at eachother for a moment, then we just...kissed. Not a sloppy kiss, or a quick kiss, but an actual kiss. And I loved it. I really did.

We gathered our stuff and went back to the hotel, so we could gather our belongings and get back to the others.

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