Love is In The Air

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Ray Ray POV

"So," I said.

"Well," Star replied.

I grinned. We just sat there like that for a while. Just grinning and staring.

I wanted to tell her how I felt about her. How I really felt about her. But for once in my life, I was actually scared. Scared to tell a girl that I liked her, all because of a silly little thought I had earlier...

But that silly little thought had transformed into something so huge I thought It would swallow me up and just...I don't even know. But still.

"Well, why don't I tell you a little about myself," I said.

"Sure," she said, and smiled.

God, I just loved that smile. I wonder if she likes my smile, I thought.

Okay, I thought. Just tell her.

"Star?" I said.


"Can we....Follow me," I said, and grabbed her hand. I lead her around the arena until we got to my favorite spot in a corner. It was hidden from the rest of the place, and I liked it. It was where I went when I wanted to relax before a concert.

"Okay," I said.

She smiled again, and I got nervous again.

"Star..." I said. I looked down.

"What? Is something wrong?" She put her hand on my shoulder and scooted closer to me.

"No, nothing's wrong..." I said. She looked concerned.

"I just...I have something I need to tell you."

Her expression went back to normal, but I could tell she was nervous because her body was stiff and her muscles were tight.

"It's nothing bad, It's just..." I sighed. "I don't know how you're going to...react."

She looked at me, and she relaxed. Then she gave me a look. Not a bad look, but just a look.

"Star...I...I like you. Like, really like you. And I was kinda hoping that know, liked me too."

I looked at my lap. I could feel her eyes on me, but I was scared to look up.

She lifted my chin up. Her touch was gentle, and I relaxed a little.

"Ray Ray..." she said. I tensed up.

Star POV

"I like you too."

I'd done it! I'd actually done it! I told him I liked him, and I found out that he likes me back! He actually likes me back! I alomost melted into a huge puddle right there.

I smiled, and he smiled back. Not a grin, not a smirk, but an actual smile.

I loved it when he smiled. I wondered if he liked my smile. But now isn't the time to be worrying about that. I had people to tell!

"Come on," I said, and we got up and bolted for the others.

Neisha POV (continued from previous chapter)

I swallowed before I sat down. I hoped he couldn't tell I was nervous. And if he could, I hoped he couldn't tell how nervous I was.

"Hi," I said.

"Hey," he said. He smiled and put his arm around me.

That's it, I thought. I can't take this anymore.

I stood up. "You," I began, "are the cutest thing in the whole world."

He looked shocked for a second, then he smiled. Really big.

"Funny," he said. "I was just going to say the same thing about you."

My mouth dropped open, then it turned into a smile. A weird, open-mouthed smile.

He hugged me and a wave of warmth spread through me.

Then he did the unthinkable. He kissed me.

Not on the lips of course. But still.

I just stood there for a second. He stood in front of me looking scared and lost at the same time. Then I did the unthinkable. I kissed him back.

He smile again and hugged me tight, then we went to sit down and talk.

Sigh, I thought. I'm in love.

Princeton POV

I wandered around the arena looking for Chyna. I figured it was time to tell her how I really felt about her. But thanks to her absence, I had just enough time to figure out exactly how to do that.

I thought of our song, "The One". Well, we didn't actually sing it, but we bought it. I think that's what we did.

Anyway, I thought I could serenade her. Not onstage or anything. I mean, that would've been pretty romantic, but I figured it was better for our relationship to just be private.

Wait, I thought. Where did that come from?

We weren't even dating yet, and already I was thinking about our 'relationship'.

All of a sudden I bumped into somebody.

"Omigod, I am SO sorry-" She looked at me.


I looked at her, then I blurted out, "I like you," and looked at the floor.

Smooth move, I thought to myself.

I glanced up at her for a second, and she looked dizzy. Then she started swaying, and I caught her before she could fall.

Then I turned on the charm.

"Chyna, do you wanna be my girl?" I looked her in the eye.

She stared at me, then smiled. "Yes," she said faintly, and she was out.

After finally managing to shake her awake, we stood up and went to find the others.

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