Chapter Six

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Present Day 1941

Wolfgang drove on through the army camp, the truck rolling and bumping against the rough ground. He finally pulled to a stop in front of the cooking tent and clicked off the headlights. The grubby looking cook with a greasy combover came out, wiping his hands on a blood splattered apron.

"Wolfgang! Did you bring me some meat to fry up this time?" He asked greedily, trying to peek underneath the tarp.

His heart nearly stopped. He slapped his hand down, trying to act casual as he leaned against the side, "Sorry, just potatoes. Why don't I unload them for you while you cook up a stew for the men?"

"Thanks Wolfgang." The cook clapped his shoulder and smiled.

Wolfgang watched him retreat back into the tent and let out a huge sigh of relief. He peeked into the back and was just getting ready to open the crate when an arm wrapped around his neck. "Hey, buddy!"

"How are you Otto?" Wolfgang, pulled his friend's arm off of his shoulders. His breath reeked of beer. "Have you been drinking?"

"Yep." His friend laughed. He pointed to the truck. "Whatcha got in there?"


"More potatoes?" Otto made a face.

Wolfgang pulled out one of the crates, careful to keep the one with the Jewish girl in it hidden from sight. He budged his way past his friend, "Hey, I can't chat. I've got to unload this."

"Come join us when you're done?"


Otto shrugged and stumbled away, clutching a bottle in his right hand. Wolfgang shook his head. He then slowly lifted the tarp and peeked inside. He lifted the lid of the crate and saw Naomi's head peek over the rim. He smiled and beckoned her forward, "Come, I must hide you somewhere safe."

"Where are you taking me?" she whispered, slipping out of the back of the truck.

He grabbed her arm and pulled her into one of the tents. He held his fingers to his lips at the sound of boots stomping by. He leaned in and whispered by her ear, "You will be safe here until I come and get you. No one ever comes in here....Naomi? Do you trust me?"

He could feel her shaking with fear. Naomi nodded, "Yes."

"Okay. I promise to come back." he quickly left the tent.

Concentration Camp

Ayala tromped through the mud with her mother, clutching her hand. It had rained in the camp that morning, yet they still had to work. The Germans always made them work. Today, she had to dig more holes. Her hands still hurt from yesterday and she was cold. It was always cold, but they never gave her extra clothing to wear. Her mother always told her to keep quiet and not to complain.

"Mama, I'm hungry." she announced, her stomach aching.

"Shhh..."her mother clamped her hand over Ayala's mouth. She eyed the German soldiers near them warily and bent down to speak to her in whispers. "Ayala, you must keep quiet. You will get to eat when they feed us."

"When will that be?"

"Whenever they decide. Now hush and grab a shovel."

"Yes Mama."

"Hey!" One of the Germans growled at them. "Get to work!"

Ayala glared at him and snatched up the shovel. She marched after her mother, feeling defiant. She slipped her shovel into the soft dirt and flung it into the air. It missed the pile and landed on the shoe of one of the Germans. He looked especially mean. He marched over and grabbed her braid, yanking on her, "Did you do that on purpose, you little Jew?!"

Her mother ran over, grabbing her shoulders, "She's only a child! She didn't mean anything by it. It was an accident, wasn't it Ayala?"

The German backed handed her mother, "Shut up!"

Her mother stumbled backwards at the force and fell to the mud. She held her cheek, tears forming in her eyes. The German grabbed Ayala again but her mother wouldn't let him take her. She reached for her daughter, "Leave her alone!"

The German pulled something shiny out of his waist band and pointed it at her mother. Ayala watched her mother's eyes grow wide with fear as the shiny stick made a loud bang! And now blood was pooling out of her mother's side. Had the German done that to her with the shiny stick? Her mother clutched her side and fell over groaning. Ayala screamed and tried to run over to her, "Mama!"

The German grabbed her arm and lifted her into the air, "You had better listen to me, if you value your life as well! Understood?!"

Ayala nodded, biting her lip to stop herself from crying. What was she going to do without her mother? How was she going to survive in this place? She wanted Naomi here. She knew Naomi would come and find her, and she had to now that a Mama was gone. Ayala crawled limply over to her shovel and joined the others in digging the pit while she cried silent tears for her mother.

Copyright © 2016 by Rosanna Parker

All Rights Reserved

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