Chapter Fourteen

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1932, Germany

"Wolfgang!" Wolfgang heard his mother call. "Wolfgang, the cow got out of the pen again!"

"But I secured the gate!" Wolfgang insisted, hurrying through the tall grassy fields over to his mother.

She was standing near the fence, pointing to the open gate, "The wire came lose again."

Wolfgang's sister jumped up and down beside his mother, "Abigail didn't escape. I let her out."

"Why would you do that?!" Wolfgang said angrily.

Annemarie stepped behind his mother's skirts, looking frightened. She pouted, her lip quivering, "Because she didn't seem like she wanted to be locked up in the pen. She told me so."

Wolfgang's mother placed a calming hand on his head, "Now, I'm sure Abigail is around here somewhere. There's no need to get upset."

Wolfgang sighed, rubbing his eyes. This was the third time this week he had to go out and try to find Abigail! And now his sister had to go and ruin everything! Wolfgang was about to go off and find Abigail when he felt his mother stiffen beside him. Wolfgang turned and saw a man marching towards them, Abigail's reigns in hand with Abigail in tow.

Wolfgang beamed, "Ma, look! That man found Abigail!"

"Yes. He did." his mother said stiffly. She grabbed Wolfgang's arm and pulled him closer to her as the man neared.

"Good evening, Frau Braun." the man tipped his hat. "I found your cow out wandering through the pastures.

"Thank you, Herr." his mother, snatched the reigns from the man's hands.

The man peeked around her skirts and smiled at Annemarie, "Good eveing, fräulein. And little herr."

"Good evening, Herr. Thank you for finding my cow." Wolfgang smiled back. He seemed friendly, so why was his mother acting so defensive?

"I'm sure you know why I am here." the man twisted his hat in his hands, anxiously looking at Wolfgang.

"I do." his mother said coolly.

"Then you know that he has to come with me, Frau Braun." the man said.

His mother didn't respond. Instead, she tapped Wolfgang's shoulder lightly, "Go and gather you things, Wolfgang. Quickly."

"Why?" Wolfgang asked curiously.

"Just go and do what I ask of you!" she snapped harshly.

"Yes, ma." Wolfgang ran back towards the house.

A few minutes later, Wolfgang was being led from his home and into the car of the man. He watched his crying mother as they drove away, leaving the farm behind.

Copyright © 2017 by Rosanna Parker

All Rights Reserved

Okay so I wasn't 100% sure on if Herr was the correct term of address for "sir" but I think it is?? I suck at German so please let me know if I'm totally wrong 😊😁😄


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