Chapter Nine

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Second Battle of the Somme, France

David pulled up quietly and started unloading supplies from the truck and into the messenger's bags. He needed the man to take the soldiers extra water and food.  He grabbed the man's arm before he left, "Tell me if you see Jeremiah Henry. Please."

"If I happen to spot him, I'll let you know." He replied, sprinting away.

David started up his truck again and pulled away, driving over the rough terrain back towards camp.  Suddenly, a grenade landed on the far right and exploded, flipping the truck upside down. He was tossed roughly from the truck and landed on the ground, feeling one of his ribs crack. David lay on the ground for a long moment, his ears ringing and his vision spinning as the world turned upside down.  He slowly pulled himself out of the pile of rubble and slowly started to inch away, trying to stay covered by the smoke and ashes.

Where was his gun?

He scrambled around, trying to locate it. It must have fallen out of his holster during the explosion. He couldn't step out unarmed. David grappled for it blindly amidst the smoke that was starting to make his eyes water. He coughed, covering his mouth with his sleeve. When he looked up from his spot behind the truck, he spotted it. It was lying on the ground a few feet away. He carefully stepped out from behind the safety of the truck. He could make it. He only had to reach a little farther...

The sound of machine guns firing filled his ears as the bullets ricocheted against the ground. David leapt back, his heart beating wildly in his ears, hiding from the onslaught of the bullets. He groaned on the inside. His gun was still out of his reach. He couldn't leave his spot with German eyes watching his every move. He would just have to wait them out and get away when night fell.


David peeked around the edge of his truck. Night had fallen and he could safely escape if only he could reach his gun without getting caught. David eased out from his spot, carefully stepping through the rubble, trying to keep his footsteps silent. He reached out his fingertips and snatched up his gun. He immediately took cover for the trees, ignoring the sound of machine guns that had started up again. When David was finally hidden in the trees, bending over to catch his breath, he realized the guns were not focused on him. They were shooting at someone else in the distance. He immediately thought of his friend.


David could see the flashes of bullets and grenades lighting up the night air with spectacular displays of light and explosions. He could also hear the shouts of men running to the enemy lines and the screams and moans of the wounded. It was the hideous symphony of war.

Copyright © 2017 by Rosanna Parker

All Rights Reserved

Haha so I just realized that I kept writing © 2016 but guess what?! It's 2017 haha! I am so stupid sometimes. Anyways, Hey Wattpadders! Tell me what you think about the story so far and remember to vote! I'm having writers block about Naomi's part of the story, so any ideas???


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