Chapter Twenty

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Well you all wanted a final hurrah for Naomi and Wolfgang. So here you go :)

Ten Years Later

New York City

Naomi laughed, leaning against Wolfgang. He wrapped his arm around her shoulders, watching their daughter dance around the room with her grandfather to the music playing on the record player. The song ended and Josie pouted.

"More! Dance some more, grandpapi!" She insisted, pulling at David's hands.

"I'm getting too old, Josie." David smiled wearily, taking a seat.

Naomi waved at her daughter, "Grandpapi is tired, honey. Let him rest. Grandma has some treats for you in the kitchen."

"Cookies!" Her daughter guessed with delight, racing to the kitchen.

"I hope she won't be disappointed when she finds out they're cupcakes." David laughed.

"Oh, she will eat any sweets you put in front of her." Naomi took a seat next to her grandfather.

She could see he was beginning to look older and more tired than usual. He had to be getting up there in age. She was surprised he had lasted this long. She covered his hand with hers and smiled, "Its hard to believe Josie is six years old. And yet you're still here, watching her grow up. It means a lot to me."

"Someone has to help Wolfgang keep the boys away." He winked at her husband.

Naomi swatted his arm lightly, but she chuckled, "She really loves you, Grandpa."

"I know she does. I love both my little granddaughters."

"I'm hardly little anymore." Naomi replied.

"To me, you still are. I feel ancient." David stood up, feeling his bones creak with every movement. "My time will be coming soon, Naomi. And so will Mary Grace's"

"Don't talk like that." Wolfgang said, resting his hand on David's arm.

"We all know it's true. How much longer can an old man like me go? Anyways, I wanted to give Josie something special this year. Give it to her for me, will you?" He handed them a small box.

"You're here now. Why don't you give it to her?" Naomi held out the box to her grandfather.

He wrapped her fingers around the box, smiling gently, "Its not for today. Or tomorrow. It's for her after I pass away. Keep it safe for me."

"What is it?" Naomi asked curiously.

"You won't know until she opens it." David winked.

Naomi nodded, "We promise to keep it safe for you."

"Good. Now, lets go get some of Mary Grace's cupcakes before Josie eats them all." David smiled, waddling over to the kitchen.

Naomi and Wolfgang shared a glance. He looked at the box, "I wonder what's inside that is so important to him."

"I guess we won't know for now." Naomi tucked it into her dress pocket, patting it lightly. "Let's keep it that way, hm? The longer we don't know, the longer he's alive."

"Of course." Wolfgang nodded. "But I don't see why we have to wait."

Naomi shoved at him, "You're so nosy."

He kissed her playfully, "And you're so gorgeous."

Naomi opened her mouth for a comeback but he only kissed her again. She rolled her eyes, but she was blushing fiercely, "Whatever."

"You're so cute when you're embarrassed." Wolfgang teased.

"Do you want a cupcake or not?" She said, pulling on his arm.

"Okay, okay. But Josie probably already ate them all." Wolfgang followed his wife into the kitchen.

The sight that greeted them was heart warming. Mary Jane was helping Josie cut her cupcake up into bite sized pieces and David kept trying to act like he was stealing Josie's treat. Their playfulness made Naomi happy. She realized how beautiful and wonderful her family was. They'd gone through so much to get here, and she was surrounded by all of the people she loved. Wolfgang wrapped his arm around her, kissing her temple and whispering in her hair, "Look at are beautiful family, Naomi. They're all here because of you."

Naomi's heart warmed at that thought. If she hadn't come to America, she might never have met her grandparents or found Wolfgang again. She might never have had Josie. Naomi smiled at her husband, "I have you to thank for helping me get here."

Wolfgang smiled, hugging her close. Naomi wished she could pause this moment forever. She had everything she could ever want, and she never wanted that to change.

Copyright © 2017 by Rosanna Parker

All Rights Reserved

Awwww it's the end! I really did have fun writing this book! I mean, obviously it was completely said and heartbreaking at times, but it ended well. Everyone is together and life is good at the moment. I think it's a good place to end the story. Anyways, please please please remember to comment and vote! If you loved this story, let your friends know and have them come check it out! Thanks!


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