The Sword of Nainsi (1)

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AN: I know it's seems like too much, but I really felt the need to do a Pirates fan-fiction for TLC. It's going to use several details used in The Pirates of the Caribbean, since it's the reason for my swash-buckling mood. So if you don't care for piracy or plundering, too bad. And I do not have any form of ownership over "The Pirates of the Caribbean" franchise, it's plot and/or characters, or those of "The Lunar Chronicles.

Cinder pounded on the glowing red metal to bring it into shape. The hot coals of the nearby fire were blowing around through the air as the winds whipped about the room. Day after day, she went through this. After all, she was the town Blacksmith.

She received little credit for her efforts, since none believed a woman could forge a sword. She even had to run the business under her guardian's last name, Linh. Not that she minded it so much. The old Blacksmith, Gareth Linh, had been very kind to her. He taught her all she knew. He gave her a purpose in this town, to forge the weapons for defense of this town. But his wife, Adri, was a different story. She was a wicked woman that did nothing to support Cinder. If she wanted to eat, Cinder would have to obtain food on her own.

And that is why she worked the Blacksmith shop. To be able to pay for her own food, and to have something to pound the life out of when Adri was being unreasonable.

As Cinder beat the metal against the anvil, she missed the sound of the bell's ring on the door. A cloaked figure entered the room, and she was unable to hear them step up behind her, until-

"Excuse me?"

Cinder dropped the sword she'd been working and her hammer. She swiped her leather gloves off the table and hastily slid them on.

"Do you happen to know where Cinder Linh is?" the voice asked. Cinder turned around to face the one who came in. She took one look at the figure, and knew exactly who it was. A lump the size of her fist caught in her throat.

"Miss?" the man asked. Cinder wanted to answer, but she couldn't speak.

The man before her was the governor's son, Kaito Huang. She'd seen him from afar a few times. But the words of praise that ran through the kingdom about him did not do him justice. His eyes were as gleaming as polished copper, his stance straight as a balanced sword. He was definitely a regal man, and one who was waiting for her to speak.

"I-I'm Cinder," she finally managed. Kaito's eyes widened in disbelief, and a tad of curiosity.

"You're Cinder?"

"Y-yes." Cinder rubbed the back of her neck with her gloved hand. The heat from the coals was burning her skin terribly.

"The Blacksmith?"

She nodded, looking to the sword on the anvil. Kaito took a few steps closer to her and eyed her intently. His expression was emotionless, and frankly, unnerving.

Out of nowhere, he let out a brief chuckle. "I'm sorry. You're just not what I expected." Cinder dawned a relieved grin and turned back to her sword. The hammer had fallen on the ground, and she bent over to retrieve it.

"I was wondering," he began. "If you would be able to mend this sword." When Cinder rose, she saw him lifting part of his cloak, revealing a sheath she could only guess had the sword inside. He drew out the weapon slowly, and out came an old relic.

The held the sword out to her, and she took it gently. The handle was worn, but clearly displayed the gorgeous work of entwining metals as its design. The blade itself was scratched and dented, probably from years of use. It was double-edged, and if not for the damage and light rust, it could have shimmered in the light.

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