Winter Is Coming (17)

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Thorne had the crew stay on the beach and take supplies back to the Solstice. They had to replenish it, even though Thorne had no intentions of using it again.

"Why are you having them restock the Solstice?" Cinder inquired. Knowing that Thorne would have no more use of it once he got back to his own ship.

Thankfully, Thorne had all but forgotten the conversation they had earlier. "We're restocking it in the event that my plan does not go well, and we need to make a quick exit."

This confused Cinder greatly. "Is your ship going to fight back when we try to take it?"

"Possibly," he agreed, adding to Cinder's nerves. "But I'm more worried about the person I asked to guard it forgetting that I own the ship. Or she could have sold it off in some sort of deal, which would not boat well for us."

"Who did you ask to guard it?"

Thorne gave her a knowing glance, as if she was supposed to have already figured that out. "Let's just say she's an old friend of mine. One that is almost as crazy as you."

"So how would she be able to keep your ship from you?"

At that, Thorne tensed. "Ever here of sea witches, sorceresses, and other magic users?"

She pondered for a moment. "Only the ones in myths. Like Circe and Calypso."

"Well, Calypso is no myth, and don't go saying that around the person I'm about to take you to. She'll turn you into a fish for saying that."

Being turned into a fish sounded neither possible nor fun. "How is that possible?"

"Because our friend is a priestess of Calypso. She has magic that stems from the very goddess she prays to, and its just as powerful as the mythical Lunar glamour. And sadly ... our friend suffers from a slight case of ..." He whirled his finger around his ears to resemble Crazy. "She has a tendency to forget things easily and sometimes gets extremely frustrated."

"So you're saying I shouldn't make her mad?"

He pressed his lips together into an almost duck-like position. He weighed his probabilities and nodded his head from side to side before telling her, "Don't make her angry, don't make her too happy, and I suggest you keep your tattoo hidden."

She still had her gloves on from the moment she'd broken out of the jail. While near the crew, there was no use in taking them off for fear that one of the Lunar Soldiers would see and tare her to pieces. "Does she hate Lunars too?"

"Not exactly," Thorne admitted. "She just hates the ones who share your particular kind of tattoo."

Thorne left their spot on the beach to got yell at the crew because some of them were trying to take sand onto the ship with them. "What is wrong with you people?!" he shouted as he ran – slightly awkwardly Cinder might add – to the members of the ship with Sand pouring out of their pouches.

Cinder took the solitude as a chance to look at her tattoo again. The five circles seemed to be the consistency between all Lunar tattoos, as Scarlet and Wolf's tattoos matched that aspect. The two things she found to not be similar were the filling of the middle circles and the flourishes her tattoo had.

Scarlet's center circle was only filled in by a crescent shape. Wolf's circle had two crescents, one at the top and the other at the bottom, with a cross of black through the middle. Neither of them had the lines and dots she had at the bottom of her tattoo. So she guessed that made her tattoo special, if that was the correct word for it.

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