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The two girls stared at each other a bit before Lauren cleared her throat and spoke, "um, h-hi." Camila smiled at the sound of the girls voice. just like she thought, it sounded beautiful.

"hey Lolo." Lauren laughed and rose an eyebrow.

"Lolo? when did that happen?" Camila turned a light shade of pink before shrugging ( A.N. just pretend i spelled that word right) with a small smile on her lips.

"don't know. thought it was cute." she bit her lip and looked back up at the computer screen. Lauren was smiling and Camila almost fainted. Lauren's hair was in a messy bun and it looked like she was wearing no makeup. is it illegal to be this beautiful?

"well i like it. it's cute. like you." Camila let out a little giggle and blushed harder. "anyway, i called because we need to talk. " Camila's heart dropped.

Camila was so scared but nodded her head 'yes' "about?"

"where do you live?"

"Florida iv'e told you this. why?''

"oh no reason. hey, what's your mums name?"

"Sinuhe Cabello. Lauren why are you asking all these questions?''

Lauren looked up at Camila and gave her a small smile. "no reason. just wanted to get to know my favorite person better." Lauren looked down at her phone and frowned. "hey i have to go. im sorry, goodnight Camila."

Camila smiled sadly, "night Lolo." she giggled and blew her a kiss before hitting the red button ending the call.

I'm sorry this sucked. but i hope you enjoyed. it's almost over :( i really like writing this story. hopefully you like reading it :)

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