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The picture is Braxton !

This chapter is about Braxton. If you don't care or like him don't read, but what happens in this chapter will effect the rest of the story :)


Camila put on a smile and grabbed Braxtons hand. Braxton smiled down at her, and leaned down to give her a peck on the cheek. Camera flashed all around them as they walked through the doors of the restaurant.

As soon as the two were in the restaurant, away from the cameras, Braxton let go of Camila's hands. "S-Sorry for kissing you."

"It's okay. You're just doing your job."

"My job is horrible. I have no idea why I did this."

Camila stayed silent as the waiter came over. He was tall with dark black hair and bright blue eyes. " My name is Tyler and i'll be your waiter for the day. Can I get you anything to drink?"

Camila smiled up at him, "Tea." Tyler nodded and wrote it down. He looked over at Braxton who was staring back at him.

"And you, sir?" Braxton stayed silent.

Camila looked over at Braxton, she smirked as she kicked him. His eyes went wide and he quickly answered, "C-Coke."

The waiter smiled at him and walked away. "He's cute, huh?"

Braxton looked over at Camila who was smirking, "Huh? I mean y-yea hes good looking for a guy I-I guess."

Camila rolled her eyes, "Braxton, you should ask him on a date."

"W-What no! I like boobs." Camila bursted out laughing causing some people to look over.

Braxton frowned and crossed his arms, "What?"

"Braxton, you obviously thought that guy was hot."


"Ask him for his number when he comes back."

"No! I cant do that."

The waiter came back with the drinks. He set the coke in front of Braxton giving him a small smile. Camila rolled her eyes, "Hey, my friend thinks you're cute."

Braxton gasped at Camila. Tyler smirked, "Really?"

Braxton hesitated but then nodded. The waiter smiled and wrote down something on the back of his paper, he handed it over to him. He then wrote down what they wanted and walked away.

Camila grabbed the paper, smirking when she saw that the waiter had written down his number.


Camila, Lauren, and Braxton were at Lauren and Camilla apartment. They were helping Camila out with changing a few lyrics in her songs. "Braxton, what do you think of this lyric ?"

Camila looked over when Braxton didn't answer. Braxton was looking down on his phone, smiling and blushing. Camila tapped Lauren nodding her head towards Braxton.

Lauren smirked, "Talking to a pretty girl?"

Braxton looked up at Lauren, "U-Um no. I'm talking to a boy."

Lauren smiled, "Do you like him?"

Braxton quickly shook his head, "No! I just think he's really c-cute and sweet and hes so funny. He's really cute. "

Lauren raised an eyebrow. Braxton sighed, "Fine. I may like him a little."


I'm sorry this is so bad. it was really rushed, but I did promise I would try and update. 

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