Chapter 10

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Elthal stood silently by Ithrika's side, as her chosen consort he took it upon himself to stay with her as often as possible, but there were days of when he had no choice but to be away from her. Today, however, he stood beside her as three mortals approached them, "Greetings mortals." Ithrika spoke as they stood in awe of her majestic beauty. "I am Archangel Ithrika, Keeper of this Sacred Forest that you now walk through."

One of the mortals looked around wide-eyed with amazement in her eyes. "This place surpasses even the Gardens!"

"That is because you are in the Forest of Harmony. This holy place borders the Heavens yet exists completely on its own. I have called you all here as I have sensed the deep connections you share with the cords of Harmony and your love for nature."

The three mortals looked at her confused. But the only male of the group spoke, "What is required of us?" All three looked eager to start on what Ithrika had planned.

"To be willing to learn what I and my angels can teach you." Ithrika smiled softly. "You are the first of my mortal students and the last of them. When your training is complete here we will set up a grove on Sanctuary that will only allow those with the same feelings of Harmony and love for nature. All of you will then be the teachers, any objections?" when the mortals shook their heads, their studies began.


A few months later Ithrika deemed the Mortals ready to teach others the ways of Harmony and had them taken to the Sacred Grove where they waited for their own students, the mortals decided to take half-animal forms to make their connections to Nature deeper. The male, Zomerath, chose the form of a centaur-like creature, but instead of the body of a horse he chose the body of a stag and he had the horns of one as well. The females, Sylaria and Artemesia, chose different forms as well. Sylaria chose to look like a bird but still had the body of a woman but with feathers covering her, wings on her arms and the clawed feet of a bird. Artemesia chose the form of a creature that looked like a wolf but could be called a werewolf, but she had more control over the beast than most. But all three called themselves the Children of Ithrika, and they stayed that way even when news reached Ithrika of Tyrael's return.

"Tyrael has returned?" Ithrika turned to Elthal who nodded.

"Yes he has, and from my understanding is within the council chamber, where both he and Imperius are at each other's throats again."

Ithrika shook her head, "I have tried to be a mediator between them, like Auriel, but it seems neither will listen to my words." Ithrika sighed heavily, "My Love, will you tend to Snowy and her offspring? The pups are too much handful for me to handle alone and I believe it is time for Snowy to have someone else help her for a change."

"Of course, Heart of the Forest. I will see to them while you visit the council." Elthal nodded. Ithrika walked calmly to the council chamber, but a tug at the string of Harmony had her stopping in her tracks. There was disharmony in the chamber and so she took to flight to see what was happening. Upon landing, though, she came across Imperius who waited for her rather impatiently.

"Where were you?!" He demanded of her, as she stood straight.

"In the Forest as always, Uncle." She knew she soothed him by just being in his presence. "I am sure I already know why you are looking for me but I will listen as I always have." As she listened Imperius ranted and raved, almost as if he were a child and not the thousands of years old Archangel of Valor. Ithrika thought as he finished. "I see, but this path Tyrael has chosen... Through it, he will learn of a new form of Harmony he could not find before." Ithrika frowned as Imperius walked around her.

For a while Imperius seemingly ignored her, but she closed her eyes and allowed her own soothing song wash over his in the gentlest touch, he turned ever so slightly to her and she looked to him as he held out his hand, she walked up to him and they spent some more time together.


Ithrika returned to the forest to be greeted by Elthal, who could tell she was worried. "What happened?"

"It appears Tyrael has done the impossible. Aside from upsetting Imperius as is normal for him, he has become a mortal by choice."


"By removing his wings." Ithrika sighed looking over the forest. She was subtly checking the "strings" of Harmony and could only sigh.

"My love?" Elthal asked as she shook her.

"Just wandering thoughts. I pray that Tyrael will be alright, but yet I also cannot condone his  actions this time around."

Elthal frowned, "M'lady, I am more than sure Tyrael will be fine. I just wonder what will happen when your father, Malthael, decides to show himself again."

"I too wonder that, though we cannot tell the others of his whereabouts, I sense that his own harmony is off balance."

"You've been checking on him?"

Ithrika nodded. "He is my father, he watched me grow up from afar and now this is my only way of repaying him. I dare not approach him for fear of his madness spreading. But the least I can do is keep his cord of Harmony in my sights." She closed her eyes as Elthal walked up and pulled her close. He stood a good foot taller than her but he knew when Ithrika need him he would always be there.

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