Chapter 11

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So the years would pass as Ithrika grew stronger and learned to control the powers granted to her, by both birth and as an Archangel residing in the high heavens. Even when they returned to fighting the demons of hell, which she did remind the others that it was a part of the natural order of things and was needed to help keep the balance of harmony. But as the years traveled by them, Ithrika heard the whisperings that spoke of a rebel angel who was trapped within the confines of hell. This same angel who had been the start of all of the problems, and the same angel who she now traveled to go see with Imperius and the others. She was walking next to Auriel, who like always, was ignoring the demons that traveled with them, that seemingly felt the need to 'cat call' at the only two females among this group of males. Auriel stopped Ithrika who paused in her trek as the others stopped in wonderment as if to why she had stopped the young Archangel. "Are you sure about this Imperius?" Auriel asked as she stood halfway between Ithrika and the door.

"We haven't seen him in years, and although he will sense her energy, he will not be able to identify who she is. She will be safe so long as the demons are willing to protect her as well from him should he try anything." Imperius looked at the Demon Lord who nodded.

"You are my guests, and he is the prisoner. I will not let harm come to any of you." The only sensible demon spoke as the door opened, with Auriel moving back beside Ithrika and they walked in.

Ithrika kept her shock to a minimum, as Auriel glanced at her sparingly. They stopped as the once proud angel looked at them, the barrier kept between them as he did so. "Imperius, Tyrael, Itherael, and Auriel. What a pleasant surprise, but who is this newcomer and where is Malthael?" He asked walking forward slightly. Looking from each Angel then settling his gaze upon Ithrika. He watched her as she stood ignoring the fact that he asked who she was and let Imperius speak.

"Inarius, the angel who you look at now is named Ithrika and is the daughter of Malthael, who has been put down for his own good." Imperius felt the need to get closer to Ithrika grow stronger but resisted as she moved closer to stand shoulder to shoulder with him.

"This is him?" Her voice reached Inarius and surprised him causing him to take a step back.

"You, I have heard the echo of your voice through whispers of time. You are Nephelam!" He hissed as he watched her even more carefully as she finally turned to him and took a step towards him.

"I will never be Nephelam again. For the demon half that once resided in me has been destroyed. It has been vanquished for good." She told him as she took a step back to be just behind Imperius.

Inarius studied her, "Malthael had a child with a demon, who overpowered her own corruption and ascended? How is this possible?"

Ithrika turned away then, only to turn her head back to him and spoke once before walking to be at Auriel's side. "Quamvis potentia non videbitis."

He watched as Imperius turned his head to watch her walk to her aunt's side, who looked her over carefully then realizing where she had been born he spoke to her and her alone after he picked up on what language she was speaking, "Eqo, qui locutus est mihi in sermone loqui, puer." Inarius looked to the new Archangel who spun on her heel to study him. "Quid pugnam iuxta eos? Why do you hide your true form in the form of the angels?" he asked her that last bit bitterly as she turned back to him.

"I fight beside the angels for it is who I am. I am the Aspect of Harmony and Guardian of Animals as for my true form. I do not hide it, I will only use it when the true battle of good and evil takes its place again." She felt Imperius and the others, including the demons, back away to give her room to use the spell that revealed what she truly looked like to him. She vanished as a blast of light surrounded her then revealed her mortal form. Her hair fell into her face as she opened her stark blue eyes to look at Inarius one more. "I hide nothing. Your 'world' that you still believe in, should not know who or what I truly am, nor is it my place to reveal that I am the Archangel of Harmony to them for I have already done so once, and ne'er will do again." She watched him as he backed away once more. "Memento Inarius: I will protect those who keep the song of Harmony in their souls and hearts. You think your first judgment was harsh? Nothing will compare to what shall happen should you knock the balance of Harmony off, for I will find you in the end." She returned to her first form, then she along with the others left him standing there to think upon what she had said.

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