Chapter 2

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Ithrika stood before her own Father. "Father, don't make me do this please. I am begging you." But Malthael didn't seem to hear her as he just laughed.

"What I am doing is for your own protection my daughter." He said as he looked at her standing before him. "There is nothing you can do that will stop me."

Ithrika lowered her head. "Then you leave me no choice, Malthael." Saying his name sounded strange to her but she said it, she looked up and her eyes changed from blue to the red of when she had faced Diablo. "I will not allow this to continue anymore!" She growled at him. "I did not wish to do this Malthael, for you are the only parent I have left. But seeing that I have no choice now, I will stop you!" She lunged forward her sword glancing off of his twin sickles. They battled like this for a while until he brought in his magic while she brought in hers. They went at it like this for hours as the Archangels who were left stood watching as Father and Daughter fought. They had heard what she had said and knew that she didn't want to use this power against him. Finally he fell, as death took him in its own rights. Her red glowing eyes locked onto his body, the sword tight in her grip as she waited to see if he would ever move again. When he landed onto the ground and remained unmoving she closed her eyes and dug the sword into the ground, releasing the magic and returning to her original eye color.

She fell to the ground on her knees in her room, allowing the tears to start streaming down her cheeks, and stayed with her fists curled up. "Why Father? You didn't have to allow Darkness into your very being, but you did. Why?" Her tears came steady now as Imperius came to her; He leaned down and took her into his arms, allowing her tears to fall on his armor. "Why did it have to be him?" She continued on as the pain of what she had seen echoed in her heart. She felt Imperius tighten his grip on her in an attempt to calm her down. "It's just not fair......" She whispered as she felt fatigue sweep her body and as her eyes closed, she felt Imperius pick her up. But as the days passed by and turned into weeks she refused to do anything. The pain of losing one parent was hurtful to her, but to lose another on basically the same day as the first was almost too much for her to take in. Slowly on the inside it was killing her, it was leaving her with barely any hope of survival and that effected Auriel the hardest, for Auriel to see that Malthael's daughter was in such despair drove her to sadness. But she still kept hope that something would pull Ithrika out of her eternal sadness. 

As Auriel watched the girl, she saw that Ithrika stood outside on the balcony to her bedroom. Auriel sighed herself as Imperius and the other three approached. "How is she doing?" Tyrael asked in the hopes that Ithrika was making a recovery. Since Malthael had vanished from the Heavens, Ithrika had retreated from everyone; she even refused to speak or leave her room.

"She is still the same as yesterday; I don't think anything will get her out of despair anytime soon." Auriel stated as they turned to see Ithrika open a book, "It saddens me to see her in such pain." 

Imperius agreed silently until they saw her look up from looking at a book, she had pulled from the bag at her side, as if something had caught her attention. He looked in the direction she was and saw Fang running to get to the Council. But soon he turned back to see Ithrika looking in their direction an unspoken question on her lips, He shook his head as the signal that he would find out what it was first then he would talk to her about it. He saw that she seemed satisfied with that and she started heading into her room. Imperius now understood why Malthael had chosen to house her so close to where the Council met. It was so they could keep an eye on her in case something were to happen and Imperius was glad now that Malthael had. Imperius felt a gentle breeze. "I will take care of her brother." He said to the wind as they all felt it rise up once then slowly die away. Then they watched as Ithrika stopped and felt the wind brush through her hair and along her face. She closed her eyes and they all saw it then, she went from despair and sadness to silent joy and watched as tears came to her eyes. It was that moment that she felt reborn. 

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